
(sorry if I posted twice, it didn't show up the first time :\)

Ok, so, I'm developing a medium sized application. I would appreciate
any suggestions you guys can make.

I need to design a system that traces microstations. What's a
Just for reference, a microstation is a septic tank.

A microstation consists out of 2 or 3 tanks. A tank is manufactured by
_producer_. Then the tanks are assembled by an _assembler_ to create a
microstation. Now that microstation is then imported by an _importer_,
basically assigns a microstation to an _installer_. That same
is able to keep a maintenance log (but that's for later).

So we have the following:
* Producer: produces tanks, the system registeres tank number,
production date,
and some other caracteristics.
* Assembler: takes the available tanks and assembles them into a
The system registeres which tanks have been used to assemble it, a
number, the assembly date, etc...
* Importer: has an overview of available microstations. He assigns a
microstation an installer.
* Installer: has an overview of microstations assigned to him, he
microstations to a customer (system registeres customer name, address,

First of all, the system is seperated in 5 different classes. That's
there are 5 types of users. They all have different views when they
You have:

* Businessunit
* Producer
* Assembler
* Importer
* Installer

What's the businessunit? Well he is god. He is able to see
*everything*. That's
the point of the system, it provides tracing of the elements defined
He can see for example, which microstation importer x has assigned to

Here's my current database:

* identities
        - id (int auto_increment)
        - class (set(businessunit, producer, assembler, importer, installer,
        - name (varchar)
        - password (varchar(32))
        - address
        - zip
        - region
        - country

* tanks
        - id (int auto_increment)
        - nr varchar(6)
        - production (date)
        - volume (int)
        - identity_id

* microstations
        - id (int auto_increment)
        - nr (varchar(8))
        - assembly (date)
        - type (varchar(10))
        - loading (date)

* microstations_tanks
        - id (int auto_increment)
        - microstation_id
        - tank_id

* assignments
        - id (int auto_increment)
        - microstation_id
        - identity_id

How does this look like for you guys?

Now my final question; every class of user, has a total different
For example, when a producer logs in, he sees the tanks that he has
and can add new ones. When an assembler logs in, he sees the
microstations that
he has assembled, and can add new ones. When an importer logs in, he
only sees
available microstations and can assign an installer. When an installer
logs in
he can only see microstations assigned to him.
How would I do this with cakephp? Create a new "application" for every
of user?

If you have any comments, no matter how small, please do post them!
Just about
anything is usefull.

Thanks for your time


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