Let me start by saying I am a complete novice to Cake PHP but plan to
change that very soon, I am an intermediate php developer and can't
wait to start using this framework for new apps I am developing.

I don't see the whole picture yet and could use some assistance in
getting started.

i'm using mysql 4.0.25 and php 4.3.8.

This site revolves around a user's selected city.  The homepage pretty
much is a listing of all the available cities which then takes you to
that specific cities page.  All the code for a specific city is the
same as any other city, the only difference is the data being pulled
from the database only relates to that specific cities id.  A sample
file/folder structure would be:

index.php (listing of cities)

My confusion lies with incorporating this functionality in the MVC
programming pattern.  Any help or assistance in getting this started
would be very helpful!



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