
The error messages indicates the undifined index of "total". Is it right?

I think you mistake the data structure which Model::query returns.
If you put the statement "print_r ($t);" in the model code, you can 
understand the problem quickly.

The structure of $t is below:
     [0] => Array
             [0] => Array
                     [total] => 4500

Thus, the correct code of model is below:

$totalAmount = $t[0][0]['total'];
return $totalAmount;

Best Wishes,

Takuo Doi

renju wrote:
>  Any body can explain Custom Queries with example...
> My problem is that ..i have two table
> 1)campaigns
> 2)donations
> i need the total amount of particular campaign by using the sql
> query..
> SELECT sum(amount) as total FROM `v1_donations` WHERE campaign_id=1
> campaign Model
> function getTotalAmount(){
>        $t = $this->query("SELECT sum(amount) as total FROM
> `v1_donations` WHERE campaign_id=1");
>     $totalAmount = $t[0]['total'];
>      return $totalAmount;
> }
> campaign Controller
> function index() {
>        $this->Campaign->recursive = 0;
>        $t = $this->Campaign->getTotalAmount();
>        $this->set('totolAmount',$t);
>        $this->set('campaigns', $this->paginate());
>    }
> But when i go to the url i am getting the error as
> Undefined index:  amount [APP\models\campaign.php, line 25]
> Error Context
> $t    =    array(
>     array(
>     "v1_donations" => array()
> )
> )
> Error Code in
>   $t = $this->query("SELECT amount FROM `v1_donations` WHERE
> campaign_id=1");
>   $totalAmount = $t[0]['total']; //this line is highlighted
> So please help me to solve this problem...
> > 

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