Hello everybody

I am writing a video sharing web site. I need the user to input video
information, every video has one or more video files, (records of
video_files only contain the path information of the files, files are
uploaded through ftp clients, and the user have to input the path
informations). The Video and VideoFile models are created as follows:

class Video extends AppModel {
  var $hasMany = array('VideoFile');

class VideoFile extends AppModel {

How to create a form so that the user can input all the video file
path information at the same time easily?

SQL script used to create the two tables:
id INT ...,

CREATE TABLE video_files (
id INT ...,
video_id INT,

FOREIGN KEY(video_id) REFERENCES video(id)

PHP code:
echo $form->create('Video');
echo $form->input('title');
echo $form->input('VideoFile'); // <----------How to write this line
echo $form->end('Add');

--Teng Yao

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