Re: ACL tutorial

2009-12-01 Thread
function logout() { $this-Auth-logout(); $this-redirect('/', null, true); } this fully work Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others with their CakePHP related questions. You received this message because you are

Re: saveAll - fieldList question

2009-12-01 Thread
i have the same problem lok at api i think this havent solution now.. On 30 Lis, 22:05, Raph wrote: Well, It's not very elegant solution and I need to make those inserts in one transaction. On 13 Lis, 23:47, David Roda wrote: I would probably split

Re: User logs out when doing too much ajax function

2009-12-01 Thread
yeah i think had the same problem but session time solved my problem... On 29 Lis, 14:55, Ixus wrote: Hi, I'm wondering if it's normal that my application logs out a user after let's say he clicks a checkbox like crazy which triggers an Ajax action? Check out the new

Re: ROLLBACK in saveAll pass if statment

2009-12-01 Thread
, wrote: if (  $userValidate $userProfileValidate $this-User-saveAll ($this-data,array('validate'=false))) { //$sendRegisterEmail } so saveAll pass true, even dont commit data (rollback true ;P) any solutions ? Check out the new

ROLLBACK in saveAll pass if statment

2009-11-26 Thread
if ( $userValidate $userProfileValidate $this-User-saveAll ($this-data,array('validate'=false))) { //$sendRegisterEmail } so saveAll pass true, even dont commit data (rollback true ;P) any solutions ? Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others with their

best merge port with po translation

2009-11-19 Thread
how is best solutions for merge exist po translation (stay translated msgid) with new extract pot file (empty msgstr) ? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups CakePHP group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe

Re: If User changes info?

2009-11-12 Thread
u should add `email_temp` field in users table and overwrite `email` after click information email i this is best method.. On 12 Lis, 17:49, Dave wrote: What is the best way to determine if a user changes a specific field when updating account? I want to suspend the

Re: Header Removal

2009-11-12 Thread
action(){ $this-layout = false; } On 12 Lis, 17:10, jburns wrote: Not sure I totally get what you mean, but have you created your own default layout? If not, do so, and then you can control the header. See On Nov 12, 10:20 am,

Re: Howto save NULL for a date field?

2009-11-12 Thread
beforeSave(){ if($this-data['date_field']=='-00-00') unset($this-data['date_field']); this set NULL for data_field On 12 Lis, 14:38, Braindead wrote: Hi all, In my form I have a date field. I use the form helper to generate a year, month and day field for the date.

Re: Header Removal

2009-11-12 Thread
[autoRender] = 0 [autoLayout] = 0 On 12 Lis, 11:20, lionmate wrote: Ho w iremove header in cake? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups CakePHP group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe

Re: how to insert data?

2009-11-12 Thread
man u have a good show by example post model so check it On 12 Lis, 03:52, ChiCake wrote: I have experience of Codeignitor, but rite now i am learning cake, can you please tell how to insert data in cake? i have

Re: Trouble getting relationship information in my view

2009-11-12 Thread
filesname and model names should be in singular name e' = 'Thesis', - theses etc... On 12 Lis, 00:08, wrote: If anyone's interested, it turns out it WAS a really noobish problem. I had the filenames for my models plural instead of singular (Category model was in

Re: ACL issue

2009-11-10 Thread
On 3 Lis, 17:17, wrote: Please help me resolve this ACL issue. I'm going through the tutorial 10.2.6 An Automated tool for creating ACOs ( ACOs) and getting stuck with the following

Re: Containable together with Translate Behavior

2009-11-10 Thread
maybe put in before find in B $this-B-behaviors-attach ('Translate'); its stupid solutions but maybe work.. On 2 Lis, 16:43, Marco wrote: Had to add some facts: I removed AppModel's beforeFind and beforeSave (I forgot to write Config.language, which is used by

behaviors stop work in plugin

2009-11-08 Thread
i have works content model and bahaviors (/app/model/behaviors/ [multivalidatable, who_did_it]) ?php class Content extends AppModel { public $name = 'Content'; public $actsAs = array('Multivalidatable', 'WhoDidIt'); [...] so when im put content model to a contents plugin my

cakephp don't execute model trigger plugin's

2009-10-03 Thread
save section is ok, but this triger beforeSave don't execute and dont return any value, only working trigers are in LikecontentAppModel whats going one ? ?php class LikecontentSection extends LikecontentAppModel { public $validate = array( 'title' = array('notempty'),

form plugin

2009-09-09 Thread
WTF loks at namespaces LikecontentSection Section my VIEW ?php echo $form-create('Section',array ('plugin'='likecontent','controller'='sections','action'='add'));? fieldset legend?php __('Add');?/legend

change route after authroize users

2009-08-31 Thread
i want to change default route after login my users, i try like this: [/project/app_controller.php] public function beforeFilter() { (...) if($this-Auth-user()){ Router::connect('/', array('controller' = 'users', 'action' = 'profile')); Router::promote();

wtf find id=1

2009-08-13 Thread
fk find(){ echo $id; //3 debug($this-Position-find('all',array('conditions' = array ('position_id'=$id),'fields'='position,position_id'))); } at page miopromo\controllers\signups_controller.php (line 70) Array ( [0] = Array ( [Position] = Array

zend profiller and configure.php 67% of available resources

2009-06-24 Thread
its a normal situation ? file configure.php load 67% of available resources lease check datasheat --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups CakePHP group.

invalid tree model struct in Xml

2009-05-28 Thread
so i have problem with Xml component my arry from find loks like that array( [Invoice] = array(...) [Seler] = array(...) so its good... after $xml = new Xml($invoice); xml loks like that (this is stupid...) invoice ... /seler .../invoice after $result = Set::reverse($xml); arr loks like

[cakephp r.8147] email component and smtp error +OK 27407.1240210...@sword3

2009-04-20 Thread
i try sent email by $this-Email-to = $email; $config['Email']['from'] = ''; $config['Email']['fromName'] = 'a.borkowski'; $config['Email']['port'] = '110'; $config['Email']['host'] = ''; $config['Email']['username'] = '';

empty query and 55ms - debug

2009-02-28 Thread
Nr Query Error AffectedNum. rows Took (ms) 1 DESCRIBE `locations`5 5 3 2 DESCRIBE `countries`4 4 4 3 DESCRIBE `cities` 4 4 3 4 DESCRIBE `states` 3 3 3

unload app_controller to force speed :)

2009-02-27 Thread
I think so its simple but not for me :) I want unload app_controller in /app/controllers/sugest_controller.php so i create /app/xhr_controller.php extends Controller class XhrController extends Controller { public $components = array('xhr'); public $helpers = array(); public $uses =