Hi I am new here and with CakePhp.
I've spent two days on searching some solution for this, but I
couldn't. The problem is that I am using Auth Component and all sites,
which needs to be authorized works greate, expect one which is specify
in loginRedirect. Everytime I trie to log in for the first time,
something strange happend with my addres :
from (http://localhost/example/index.php/users/login)
it redirects me to (http://localhost/example/index.php/http:/localhost/
, insted of  (http://localhost/example/index.php/users/my) and I get
the error:

Error:  Http:Controller could not be found.

Error: Create the class Http:Controller below in file: app\controllers

The address is doubled in some way I don't know why. And after this
when i am trying to login second time everything is good. Here is a
piece of my code.

Controller: (UsersController)

        var $components = array('Session','Email','Auth');

        function beforeFilter()

                        $this->Auth->loginAction = array('controller' => 
'users', 'action'
=> 'login');
                        $this->Auth->loginRedirect = array('controller' => 
'action' => 'my');
                        $this->Auth->allow('add', 'index');

Form: (users/login.ctp)

                        if ($session->check('Message.auth')) 
                        echo $form->create('User', array('action' => 'login'));
                         echo $form->input('username');
                         echo $form->input('password');
                         echo $form->end('Login')

Sorry for my English, I hope that everything is clear. Please help me.
Best regards.

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