In my controller I have function called "add".
I use the requestAction to retreave an array that contains one record
of the model Sucursals.

class CortesController extends AppController
   function add() {


This should send the array or variable $sucursal that contains the data
returned from the
controller "sucursals_controller.php" with an action called "view"
accepting one parameter in this case '1'.
I Try to echo the array $sucursal in my view with this code:
<?php echo $sucursal ?>

I get nothing. I tried calling the scaffold action "show" with the same
parameter and it returns the whole html (at least it returns something)
not the array. I read the manual and I thought that was the way to
retreave data from another table in my view without repeating code.

It seems that the scaffold method does is equivalent as using :


I tried this way and if I create  a view.thml for the controller
sucursals and render some html and  it does what the manual says it
supposed to do. Doing it that way works.
But I only want the $array  not the whole html to display a label on my

Can someone point me what I am doing wrong?

The code for the  Controller I am trying to call is:

<-- sucursals_controller.php -->
class SucursalsController extends AppController
        var $name = 'Sucursals'; // required for PHP4 installs
        var $scaffold;
        function view($id)
                $this->set('data', $this->Sucursal->read());

Thanks for your help!

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