Hey guys,

I'm new to CakePHP and already stuck. I'm trying to use a common
"contact" table and multiple tables, each referencing it one or more

The schema goes something like this:
contacts (id, name, address, phone, email)
practice_sites (id, title, contact_id)
practitioners (id, contact_id, qualifications)
clients (id, contact_id, emergency_id, guardian_id) // each
referencing the contact table

Now how do I define relationships between the common contact table and
each of the remaining ones? I'd love to be able to say "practice_site
hasone contact", "practitioner hasone contact", "client hasone

Related to my schema design, is there a (generic, reusable) way to
make the "contact" record creation/update a part of creation/update of
a record referencing it? E.g. client add/edit form containing the
contact table fields (as opposed to scaffolding's reference dropdown)?


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