hi, this is my first post. I am new to cakePHP (and databases in

I have built a little application with a table called Projects and a
table called Jobs.

a project has many Jobs.

a job has (amongst others) a 'hours' field and a 'date' field.

I have an index page for the projects which lists all the projects,
showing the name, the last job and the total hours for that project.
There is a paginator whichs breaks up the results. At the moment I am
finding the last job and the total hours by searching through the
results after they are returned (see code below).

My problem is that I want to be able to order the results by the last
job or by the total hours. Can someone explain the best way to do this
please. My only ideas are

1. that I can manually re-sort the array returned by the find query
but I have no idea how this would work with the paginator, or
2. to use 2 new fields on the projects table - total hours and last
job - but it seems like this would be redundant information which can
be found in the jobs table.

below is my code in the Projects controller. Everything works (there
are no errors) I just need to know how to do what I mentioned above.

Thanks very much for any help you can give. I'm sorry if this has been
answered before (I did look)

- Phil

  function index() {

    $this->Project->contain(array('Job.date', 'Job.hours',

    $conditions = array();

    //$projects = $this->Project->find('all', array('order' =>
'Project.name DESC', 'conditions' => $conditions));
    $projects = $this->paginate('Project', $conditions);

    // for each project find the last job and record it in the array
    for  ($i = 0; $i<count($projects); $i++) {

      $proj_id = $projects[$i]['Project']['id'];

      // create a new member of the Project array for this project and
give it a default value of 'never'
      $projects[$i]['Project']['last_job'] = "Never";

      foreach ($projects[$i]['Job'] as $job) {
        if ($projects[$i]['Project']['last_job'] == "Never" ||
$projects[$i]['Project']['last_job'] < $job['date']) {
          $projects[$i]['Project']['last_job'] =  $job['date'];
      } // end job loop
    } // end project loop

    $this->set('projects', $projects);

  } // end index

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