
As of now when you test the redirect location of an action on a mock
controller you do this.

$this->assertEquals($this->headers['Location'], 'http://localhost/blog/

Logged a pull request the other day on this for the 2.0 Cookbook.


My first thought was to pollute the headers but after another look
today I decided to override testAction and create a new property and
fill it with http://au2.php.net/parse_url.

protected function _testAction($url = '', $options = array()) {
                $return = parent::_testAction($url, $options);
                if (isset($this->headers['Location'])) {
                        $base = $this->controller->base;
                        $urlParts = parse_url($this->headers['Location']);
                        $urlParts['location'] = preg_replace("/^\\{$base}/", '',
                        $this->redirect = $urlParts;
                        $this->redirect['base'] = $base;
                return $return;

Then I can go like this

$this->assertEquals($this->redirect['location'], '/posts/index');

Will asserting redirects be cleaned up in the near future?

That was the only thing I did not like from my first test run of Cake
2.0, everything else so far went smoothly.

kind regards,


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