Did anyone find a solution to this issue?  I am having exactly the same 

Calls to: 
   $this->log('test message', 'mylogfile'); 
will not log the message unless in the config/core.php file I set it to 
Configure:write('debug', 0); 

If the debug level is set to some other value such as 2 then nothing gets 
logged to the log file. 

I have looked at the previous answers posted here but they do not resolve 
this problem. 

1) It is not a Linux rights issue since CachePHP does successfully write to 
the log file if I set the debug level to 0.  It clearly has permission to 
write to the file. 

2) It is not a file name problem because of a conflict with CakePHP' debug 
mode usage of the same log file.  I have tested using several different file 
names such as 'mylogfile' and also using my name for the log file name and 
it consistently fails to write to the log file unless I set the debug level 
to 0. 

I am testing on a Linux server running Ubuntu 10.04

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