So I've spent all day trying to set up Cake with xampp (on a Mac).
Everything I've read on Google says that by default xampp disables
mod_rewrite, but it was enabled in my installation yet I still didn't
see CSS on the first Cake page. All of the .htaaccess files were there
and everything looked ok. Now I get a 500 error.

I used the method for bypassing mod rewrite by changing the line in
the config file, css works on the main page. Then as a quick test I
tried making this note app from (
application-development-cakephp/2/) and I get a 404 page when I
navigate to localhost/cake/notes. Likewise when I use the 1st blog
tutorial, I am unable to make it actually show up. I've spent my
entire day on this and feel like I've read everything on it that I
could find, as well as reinstalling xampp/cake several times.
Hopefully somebody here has some answer. Thanks in advance.

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