/* enhancement */ - AD7six Upload Behaviour

2008-09-08 Thread Josoroma
Now everything is working like i expected. To keep the file in {IMAGE}... and delete the file in {APP}... im using the afterSave callback in my model: function afterSave() { if (!empty($this-data[$this-name]['logo'])) { $baseDir= ROOT .

/* enhancement */ - AD7six Upload Behaviour

2008-09-08 Thread José Pablo Orozco Marín
I think Is better to use the original path: function afterSave() { if (!empty($this-data[$this-name]['logo'])) { $path= $output = str_replace(//, /, $this-data[$this-name]['original']); @unlink($path); }

/* enhancement */ - AD7six Upload Behaviour

2008-09-07 Thread José Pablo Orozco Marín
Im sharing the replace of double slashes and the path to convert, maybe exist a better way to achieve that. function __imConvert($model, $input, $params = array(), $output = null, $return = false) { if (isset($params['return'])) { $return = $params['return'];