Hi there everyone. Newbie CakePHP individual here. This framework has
really taught me the concepts of MVC, moreso than Drupal ever did,

I have a question regarding the ACL component: I understand that the
component restricts access of a requester object to a control object
based on controller/action.  Is it possible to restrict it one level
further, controller/action/[SomePermission]? Exampe: Suppose I want to
have a users controller with editable data, accessible by user/[id]/
edit or something similar, but suppose I want some people to only edit
their own profile, and others to be able to edit anyone's profile.
Would I create another ACO for those two options (permission to edit
one's own profile or anyone's profile) or, would I just restrict
general access to controller actions using the Auth component, and
then restrict which rows a user has access to in the controller

This question is more or less one of row-level permissions and how to
restrict users from accessing one row versus another.  I've reasoned
in my head that row-level permissions are children of controller/
action permissions, but am I looking at things wrong? Any suggestions
would be greatly appreciated.

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