I am having problems with ajax observeField on a checkbox thats not
working in IE7. It works fine in firefox, and safari. I have run
Fiddler HTTP Proxy on my windows machine to see whether a request was
being made when I clicked the checkbox and it appears that nothing is
happening. I am running cake_1.2.1.8004 with script.aculo.us 1.8.2.

Here is my appropriate code for reference:

The controller method for the ajax call:
       function load_sites($cat_id) {
               if(!empty($cat_id)) {
                       if (!$this->Session->check
('selectedCategory.' . $cat_id)) {
                               $sites = $this->Site->find('all', array
('conditions' => array
('Site.category_id = ' . $cat_id)));
                               $this->set('sites', $sites);
                               $this->set('do', 'set');
                               $this->set('cat', $cat_id);

('selectedCategory.' . $cat_id, '1');
                       } else {
('selectedCategory.' . $cat_id);
                               $this->set('do', 'unset');
                               $this->set('cat', $cat_id);

The form:
               echo $form->checkbox('cat[' . $cat['Category']['id'] .
']', array
('class' => 'catCheckbox',
                                                       'id' => 'cat
[' . $cat['Category']['id'] . ']'
               echo '<label for="cat[' . $cat['Category']['id'] .
']">' . $cat
['Category']['name'] . '</label>';
               echo '<br />';

               // sites ajax junk
               echo $ajax->div('sites' . $cat['Category']['id']);
               echo $ajax->divEnd('sites' . $cat['Category']['id']);

               $options = array('url' => 'load_sites/' . $cat
                                               'update' => 'sites' .
               echo $ajax->observeField('cat[' . $cat['Category']
['id'] . ']',

My controller has the RequestHandler controller.

As I said above, this works in firefox and safari, so I *should* have
everything setup correctly. I really dont know where to look anymore.
Am i missing a little tweak I need for IE?

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