
I've got 3 tables

users, events and user_has_events

In my model user, I have added the relation hasmany on
user_has_events, did same thing on event model.
user_has events must have 2 relations belongsTo.
Each record in this table have one and only one event and one and only
one user
I've tried to assign in belongsTo var but nothing works

var $belongsTo = array('User');
var $belongsTo = 'User';
var $belongsTo = array('User' => array('className'    =>
'User','foreignKey'    => 'user_id'));

In the controller, I made a print_r to see associated models
echo "<pre>"; print_r($this->EventsHasUsers->getAssociated());echo "</
with every exemples above, the array is always empty
but if I do
$this->EventsHasUsers->bindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('User' =>
array('className' => 'User'))));
the array getAssociated contains

    [User] => belongsTo
Where is my error ?
thanks for helping.

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