Using isset(), there is a potential problem that escaped me until
today. You can get false positives from isset on associative arrays.

$data['Modelname']['field1'] = 'some string';
isset($data['Modelname']['field1']) => true as I would expect

$data['Modelname'] = 'some string';
isset($data['Modelname']['field1']) => true although I didn't think
that would be the case.

This is apparently because the variable being checked is a string but
I expected it to be an array. Checking for a "key" on a string will
always return true. I first thought my PHP install was broken but I
found some comments on that makes me think this is just
something that has slipped me by all this time.

So be careful if you are checking and you are not sure you have an
array or not.

Sorry for the OT topic, I hope someone find it useful since we do a
lot of array juggling in Cake and pinning down the cause can be a
pain. Well, now you know what I did for an hour this afternoon.
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