The CakePHP core team is proud to announce the immediate availability of 
CakePHP 2.3.0-RC2 and 2.2.5[1]. There have been a few small improvementsand 
fixes since the release of 2.3.0-RC1. If there are no serious issues 
reported 2.3.0 stable should be released within a few weeks.

## Changes since 2.3.0-RC1

Since the release fo 2.3.0-RC1 a few new improvements have been added. In 
addition, all changes in 2.2.5 are also present in 2.3.0-RC2. The new 
improvments to 2.3.0-RC2 are:

* Using an unknown cache engine results in exceptions being thrown.
* Improved support for HTML5 attributes.
* PaginatorComponent now throws exceptions when users request page numbers 
that are out of range. This is instead of displaying duplicate content from 
the last page in the series.
* PaginatorHelper::prev() and PaginatorHelper::next() now support the 
'disabledTag' option. This option can be used to set the wrapping tag when 
these controls are not available.
* An .editorconfig file was added.
* The default doctype is now HTML5
* FormHelper sets the required attribute on inputs based on detected 
validation rules.
* Support for php.ini style numbers was added to 
* Generated text for pagination buttons in related models are now easier to 
* FormHelper::postLink() sets the target attribute on the form element 
instead of the a element.

See the changelog[2] for a full list of changes in 2.3.0-RC2

## Changes in 2.2.5

2.2.5 is a bugfix/maintenance release for the 2.2.x release branch. There 
have been 40 commits & 19 issues fixed since 2.2.4. Some of the notable 
fixes are:

* Fields using the || operator are now quoted correctly.
* Stack traces on error pages now highlight code excerpts correctly.
* File inputs no longer include the value attribute. This fixes HTML 
validation with HTML5 doctypes.
* ConsoleOptionParser now correctly handles options with the value of '0'.
* Mysql datasource now correctly handles indexes with a length value.
* The 5th argument is no longer passed to mail() when safe_mode is active.
* Email bodies are now wrapped at 998 instead of 78 characters. This fixes 
issues where HTML content would be spliced.
* TreeBehavior and nested deletes work as expected now.
* Infinite loops when rendering error 500 pages with extensions declared by 
Router::parseExtensions() have been fixed.
* Requests to the SecurityComponent's blackholeCallback are now blackholed. 
This was an issue when using a public unprefixed method as the 
SecurityComponent's blackhole callback.
* Theme names are now consistently camelcased in both helper assets & view 
* FormHelper::radio() now treats boolean values as equivalents to 1 and 0 
* Hash::expand() no longer loops infinitely in PHP5.2 when expanding deeply 
nested structures.

The changelog[3] has the full list of changes in 2.2.5

A huge thanks to all involved in terms of both contributions through 
commits, tickets, documentation edits, and those whom have otherwise 
contributed to the framework. Without you there would be no CakePHP. 
Download a packaged release [1]

### Links

* [1]
* [2]
* [3]

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