Hi guys, I'm trying to test a model. The first problem I faced was
having to load all fixtures from all the related models. The issue is
well known and, just to get up and running fast, I loaded all fixtures
in my startTest function, as I show bellow:

function startTest() {
    $fixturesPath = APP . 'tests' . DS . 'fixtures';

    $handle = opendir($fixturesPath);

    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
      $fixtureFileName = 'app.' . substr($file, 0, strpos($file,

      if ($fixtureFileName != 'app.') {
        $this->fixtures[] = $fixtureFileName;

    $this->Order = & ClassRegistry::init('Order');

I could make the test run. But then I noticed the OrderFixture file,
despite being in the fixture array, does not get loaded. I can even
write random stuff in the file and there no errors and the tests keep

Does anyone know how to fix it? I want to have control over the
records in the test database. The way it's today, the model is loading
live data in the tests!

Thanks in advance,


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