Still no luck but some what closer.

I simply want to be able to add a input beside every checkbox will add that
into the foreach after I get the checkboxes working first)

$skills is the list of HABTM options to select from 
<?php foreach ($skills as $skill => $value)

   echo $form->input('Skill'.$skill, array('type' => 'checkbox',
'label'=>$value, 'div' => false, 'value' => $skill, 'name' =>
My HTML renders:
<input id="SkillSkill11" type="checkbox" value="11"
the checkbox form when using multiple as a reference to go by produces
(I have an original form with the selects on the same page so I can see the
difference between the 2) 

<input id="SkillSkill11" type="checkbox" value="11" checked="checked"

So I am missing the checked="checked" , tried using checkbox as the
$form->checkbox but setting checked => true or false selects them all or
none. I just cant seem to get the data to fill the selected checkboxes. What
am I missing? Anyone have any ideas? Tried $form->select, $form->checkbox,
$form->input with type => checkbox to no avail....

Any ideas?


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