I have an application that is using three "user" models, from three
datasources. One is specifically built for the application (User), one
is LDAP-based (NetworkAccount), and the third is a "static" database
(Salesperson), in that I can only read from it. I'm also using the ACL
component, which complicates things a little more.

Anyway, in the first database, I have my ACL tables and a user table.
My problem is that the models based on the LDAP and static databases
use a varchar "username" as their primary keys, and I can't change
that. However ACL seems to require that the foreign keys in the aros
table be integers. In my User model, I want to associate the
corresponding models, but I can't figure out how to define the $hasOne
conditions so that both the primary key in the base and the foreign
key on the other side are custom. Basically if I set User.username to
be the primary key, ACL fails because it can't convert the varchar to
intergers in the aros table.

Here is the pertinent info to make it more clear:

Model User
pkey = User.id (int)
unique = User.username (varchar)

Model NetworkAccount
pkey = NetworkAccount.SAMAccountName (varchar)

Model Salesperson
pkey = Salesperson.Code (varchar)

I know in the relation variables, you can specify a foreign key, which
I have to do since neither of the other two tables have a user_id
column. But can I specify the column in User that I want to match
with? Obviously what I want to do is User.username =
NetworkAccount.SAMAccountName and User.username = Salesperson.Code.
But I haven't been able to figure out how to tell cake to use username
instead of id for the relations.

Hopefully that makes enough sense for someone to offer up an idea. If
I can't use the built-in relation variables ($hasOne, $belongsTo), how
would I go about writing custom queries that would automatically fire
when a User object is created, to pull the info from the other two
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