Hey guys, 

I'm having some difficulties figuring out what everything really does in 
this UserController. I inherited this from a previous developer and I'm 
not entirely sure what the functions do. It's not working as intended. Any 
help understanding why this isn't an effective UserController file would be 

Okay, so beforeFilter() is called when? Isn't it just supposed to return 
false or true? Why is it asking for $this->Auth stuff?

beforeFacebookSave() is different from beforeFilter() in what way?

I get afterLogin(), I think.

Why is nothing under login()?

logout(), I think I'm clear on that as well.

like_site() is for a custom tracking feature of the site, I don't think it 
works and from the looks of it, it doesn't seem to do much at this point.

fbLogin() is the most mission critical part, I assume.

There is a sign up process but I think the code to save that info is stored 

*Guys, I'm just really in need of some guidance and ANY help would be 
appreciated. *

> class UsersController extends AppController {
> function beforeFilter(){
> parent::beforeFilter();
> $this->Connect->noAuth = false; 
>> $this->Auth->allow('login', 'fbLogin', 'afterLogin', 'logout', 
>> 'like_site', 'getMyBandId','getMyPageFans');
> $this->Auth->fields = array('username' => 'email', 'password' => 
>> 'password');
> }
> function beforeFacebookSave() {
> $this->Connect->authUser['User']['email'] = $this->Connect->user('email');
> $this->Connect->authUser['User']['first_name'] = 
>> $this->Connect->user('first_name');
> $this->Connect->authUser['User']['last_name'] = 
>> $this->Connect->user('last_name');
> return true;
> }
> function afterLogin(){
>> $this->autoRender = false; 
> //$this->redirect($this->referer());
> }
> function login(){
>> }
> /////////////////////////////////////// start logout   
>> //////////////////////////
> function logout() {
> $this->autoRender = false; 
>        // $this->destroySession();//exit;
>> $this->Session->delete('Auth');
> $this->Session->destroy();
>         // unset cookies
> $this->uid = null;
> $this->Auth->logout();
> $this->redirect(array('controller'=>'pages','action'=>'display','home'));
>                        }
> ////////////////////////////////////   end logout 
>> //////////////////////////////
> public function signout(){
>> $this->redirect('/');
>> }
>> function like_site(){
> $this->autoRender = false; 
> if (!$this->RequestHandler->isAjax()) {
> return;
>       }
>> }
>> function fbLogin($field=null) {
> $Facebook = new Facebook(FacebookInfo::getConfig());
> $accessToken = $Facebook->getAccessToken();
>> //$user = false;
>        // echo $this->Auth->user('id');exit;
>> if (!$this->Auth->user('id')) {
> if ($this->Connect->__syncFacebookUser()) {
> //$this->User->updateLastLogin($this->Auth->user('id')); 
> $user = $this->Auth->user();
> }
> $user['redirect'] = 1;
> } else {
> $user = $this->Auth->user();
> $user['redirect'] = 0;
> }
> $user['band_id'] = $this->getMyBandId($user['id']);
> $this->autoRender = false; 
> $udetail = $this->fbUserDetails($user['facebook_id'],$accessToken); 
> App::import('Model', 'User');
> $this->User = new User();
> $userdatanow = $this->User->findByFacebookId($user['facebook_id']);
> $locationID = $udetail['location']->id;
> $user['email'] = $udetail['email'];
> $user['first_name'] = $udetail['first_name'];
> $user['last_name'] = $udetail['last_name'];
> if(empty($userdatanow['User']['city']) || 
>> empty($userdatanow['state']['country']) || 
>> empty($userdatanow['User']['zipcode'])) {
> $locationArray = $this->fbLocationDetails($locationID);
> $user['city'] = $locationArray['city'];
> $user['state'] = $locationArray['state'];
> $user['country'] = $locationArray['country'];
> $user['zipcode'] = $locationArray['zipcode'];
>> } else {
> $user['city'] = $userdatanow['city'];
> $user['state'] = $userdatanow['state'];
> $user['country'] = $userdatanow['country'];
> $user['zipcode'] = $userdatanow['zipcode'];
> }
>> if(empty($userdatanow['User']['first_name']) || 
>> empty($userdatanow['User']['last_name']) || 
>> empty($userdatanow['User']['email']) || empty($userdatanow['User']['city']) 
>> || empty($userdatanow['state']['country']) || 
>> empty($userdatanow['User']['zipcode'])){
>> $data = array(
> 'User' => array(
> 'id'          =>    $userdatanow['User']['id'],
> 'first_name'  =>    $udetail['first_name'],
> 'last_name'  =>    $udetail['last_name'],
> 'email'  =>    $udetail['email'],
> 'city'  =>    $user['city'],
> 'state'  =>    $user['state'],
> 'country'  =>    $user['country'],
> 'zipcode'  =>    $user['zipcode']
>  )
> ); 
> $this->User->save($data, false, 
>> array('first_name','last_name','email','city','state','country','zipcode'));
> }
> print json_encode($user);
> }

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