I have an other problem with media plugin.
when I upload a jpeg file with .jpeg extension, in my DB i have, for
exemple, picture.jpeg in the basename field.
But the Generator Behavior make filter versions with .jpg extension.
So i don't have a correct path for filter versions.

I have no conversion in the bootstrap.
How can i configure the file extensions to have the same extension
than the uploaded file?
is it GD who choose the extension?
I would like upload .jpg and .jpeg file.

in my config/bootstrap.php :

require APP . 'plugins' . DS . 'media' . DS . 'config' . DS .

$org = array('fitInside' => array(900, 900));
$small = array('fitCrop' => array(75, 75));
$medium = array('fitCrop' => array(300, 300));
$large = array('fitCrop' => array(900, 300));

Configure::write('Media.filter', array(
        'audio' =>  array(),
        'document' =>  array(),
        'generic' => array(),
        'image' => compact('small', 'medium', 'large', 'org'),
        'video' => array()


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