Hello all,

i have 3 models => Photos,Tags and PhotosTag with relation like this :
1. Photo HasAndBelongsToMany Tag 
2. Tag HasAndBelongsToMany Photo
3. Tag HasMany PhotosTag
4. PhotosTag belongsTo Tag.

I want count how many photos use this tag, so on Tag table, i'm create

On PhotosTag Model :

class PhotosTag extends AppModel{
   var $name = 'PhotosTag';
   var $belongsTo = array(

But every time i'm inserting new photo with same tags, photos_tag_count
cannot update. i try creating a new coloumn like photo_tag_count,
photos_tags_count but it doesn't work. Anyone can help me?

said countercache works in belongsTo relation, but i face this problem.

I have use HABTM with like

but it's doesn't work on countercache.

Anyone can help me how to countcache HABTM? 
Someone says, make updateCounterCache on beforeSave(), but i still don't
know yet how to create it.


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