
I am trying to check out different php frameworks. As a first test I
want to create a login box that should appear on every page of the
website (that has the standard layout). If a user is not logged in,
the login form should appear. If he is logged in, an appropriate
message and a logout link or button should appear.

I baked the Users model and controller, that worked fine.

The I created an element "loginbox" that I refer to in my default.ctp
by "echo $this->element('loginbox');". For a start, loginbox.ctp
simply created a login form.

The password field in the database table is hashed with md5, so in the
app_controller.php's beforeFIlter I execute "Security::setHash

I work on the very same database and table with a similar Zend test
project, and login works fine there.

But in CakePHP I have problems. First: I am not logged in. Instead I
land on a page with a login box in the main content area (plus of
course the login box that I constructed myself as an element).

In the users_controller.php's beforeFilter I placed:
$this->Auth->loginError = 'Invalid e-mail / password combination.
Please try again';

But this error appears nowhere (although I places "$session->flash
('auth');" in loginbox.ctp)

For testing purposes I places "$this->Auth->autoRedirect = false;" in
the users_controller.php's beforeFilter and then placed code in the
login function of that controller (from here:

I modified that code a little to redirect to http://www.yahoo.de when
the login failed. That worked. So at least I think that the controller
is used at all.

But then the question is: Why does the login not work? I modified the
security's hashing algorithm to MD5, so it should work.

The other question is: how could I access the Auth component from a
layout or an element? The loginbox.ctp should only show the login form
if the user is not logged in. So I need an conditional clause in the
loginbox.ctp and need to determine whether the user is logged in or
not. Or alternatively I need a loginbox.ctp and a logoutbox.ctp and
then in the default.ctp I place an conditional clause that either
places the loginbox or the logoutbox in the header section.

A third question: As I mentioned above, if I keep the autoRedirect
switched on and the login fails, a login form is displayed in the main
area. Though this can be a wanted behavior for some websites, just out
of curiosity: How would it be done to keep the user on the actual page
and let the loginbox handle the display of the error? I found this as
a description of how to store the referrer into a session (http://
bin.cakephp.org/view/316159681). But then how would I tell the
users_controller.php to jump to the actual page in case of a failed
login attempt? Does it have to be done by switching of autoRedirect
and doing it by myself in the login function?

Any help or a hint would be very appreciated.


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