I have install against cake 1.0 and trunk 1.x and place "rdbloggery" in
same level as /app.

I found in earlier post that i can point DocumentRoot in apache httpd
conf to  /app instead of /app/webroot to enable multiple app folder as

it didn't work for me sadly.


Missing controller

You are seeing this error because controller RdBloggeryController could
not be found.

Notice: this error is being rendered by the
app/views/errors/missing_controller.thtml view file, a
user-customizable error page for handling invalid controller

Fatal: Unable to load controller RdBloggeryController

Fatal: Create Class:

class RdBloggeryController extends AppController
    var $name = 'RdBloggery';

in file : app/controllers/rd_bloggery_controller.php

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