Hi there,

  Looking through various bits of information on reverse routing,
particularly the manual and this great article:


I think I'm more or less on top of things, but have one oddity. I have
a route like this:

    array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'edit', 'admin' =>
    array('pass' => array('id', 'site_id', 'site_name')));

that routes links like this to the edit action of my user controller:


  When I try to create links like this, however:

echo $html->link('CakePHP Rocks', array(
    'site_id' => 1,
    'site_name' => Inflector::slug('My New Site'),
    'controller' => 'users',
    'action' => 'edit',

I get a  link like this:


which doesn't work. What am I doing wrong? I have worked around this
using Router:url in a static function, like in Feliix's article


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