I have to show on a list some data but it has to be filtred by one
estado_id dependeing o the logge user, an user has an estado_id, an i
have to do a filter of Fundos, Fundos has parroquia_id->Parroquia, in
Parroquia i have Municipio_id->Municipio,an then i have in Municipio
estado_id that belongs to Estado and must be use to macth the
estado_id o the user logged, i did a filter before like this but from
Municipio to Estado, doing this

 function beforeFilter() {
                        $this->criteria = array("Municipio.estado_id" =>


now i'm triying to do somthing like it but i don't know how to make a
double criteria or do a filter firts by Municipio and then go down one
level (or go up) To Parroquia, i have this

function beforeFilter() {

        $this->Wizard->steps = array
        $this->Wizard->completeUrl = '/fundos/index';

                //$conditionsSubQuery['"Municipio"."estado_id"'] = 

                $this->criteria = array ("Parroquia.municipio_id" => array
('Municipio.estado_id' => $this->Auth->user('estado_id')));


But i'm kind o lost here, i'm new in cakephp please help me, i was
reading about subqueries but nothing =(

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