Of course, that solution does work, as one would expect. In fact, I am
going to make this my standard install method, since it is more secure.

However, after searching the apache error_log, I saw this:

[Sat Jun 10 13:35:23 2006] [error] [client x.x.x.x] Negotiation:
discovered file(s) matching request:
/var/www/augustana.diers.us/htdocs/videos (None could be negotiated).

Now that is strange, because it means that mod_negotiation was blocking
the request before mod_rewrite could even get to it. There were two
possible solutions: disable MultiViews (not my preference) or track
down what it thought was /videos

There was no "videos" file or directory, but there WAS a "videos.sql"
file in htdocs which contained my DML for the database. Obviously it
matched /vidieos because of MultiViews, but was the wrong content type,
so negotiation failed. Yet why would MultiViews checking take place
before processing RewriteRule? I do not understand. I deleted the
videos.sql file, and everything worked.

Can anyone explain this? I thought that mod_negotiation would not be
invoked until AFTER a re-write. To invoke it before makes no sense.
IMHO, it should be acting on the final URL, after all re-writing is
finished. Is this an Apache bug?

Anyway, thanks. Problem solved. However, I thought I would report this,
in case someone else runs into the problem.

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