Re: integrate third party ajax library

2007-08-22 Thread pbkyriak
Hi, I am the author of ajax_linked_selectboxes. I think what you are trying to do (make sc_ajax_handler.php a cake controler) is nice :) The code you show in your last post looks good. The question is do you get any javascript error messages? The second box is completely empty? not None option?

Re: integrate third party ajax library

2007-08-13 Thread nagarjuna
In another attempt at getting this up and running, I copied the relevant code from the php file that was being called, and added a method inside my app_controller and created a view of the same name. Here is my new function: function sc_select_ajax_handler( ) {

Re: integrate third party ajax library

2007-08-03 Thread nagarjuna
Okay I modified the library source to redirect to my controller (observations/add) new Ajax.Request( 'cake/observations/add', { method: 'POST',parameters: pars, onComplete: onCompleteCallBack }); The debug log message is below. Not really sure how to deal with this (sorry, new to Cake and

Re: integrate third party ajax library

2007-08-01 Thread nagarjuna
Thanks for the advice Chris. I installed the firbug plugin and fixed a coupld of problems. I realize now that the main issue is that the code in the library is trying to request an additional .php file that is in the library's folder inside the /vendors folder. The relevant code is: new

Re: integrate third party ajax library

2007-08-01 Thread Grant Cox
You should just be able to change that to new Ajax.Request( '/your_controller/action', { method: 'POST',parameters: pars, onComplete: onCompleteCallBack }); then in that action, have a $this-log($this-params) to see how the data is arriving.

integrate third party ajax library

2007-07-31 Thread nagarjuna
I need to use a lot of hierarchicaly linked list boxes in my project, and I found a great 3rd party ajax library that does so here: I installed the library and I can get the demo running just fine. Embedded in my app, everything displays properly but

Re: integrate third party ajax library

2007-07-31 Thread Chris Hartjes
On 7/31/07, nagarjuna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: After perusing this tutorial: I am beginning to think that including the library is not as simple as I had first thought. Will I have to go into