hi there. my question should be simple in nature but alas i am stuck.
here is the scenaro. i have  a side, call it 'd'. what i want is some


food.d.net -> action foo
cars.d.net -> action foo

i got that all working with apache and using before filter to 'figure out.
what i need. all these pages have the same action with a different them and
set of data. all danday

however i want to have another domain
www.d.net which will always be a landing page. i.e.

www.d.net -> action render about page.

thus my rule is different for just that home page. I was wondering what the
best practice here is tro try to rectify this. is there some route hackery i
could try to get this to work. or should i do some pre-filtering as well.
Thus far I have tried the following in routes.config.

Router::connect('/', array('controller' => 'clusters', 'action' => 'index'

Router::connect('www.d.net/', array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' =>
'display', 'about'));

this did not work and always resolved to the '/' rule no matter what the
order. I have seen a number of things on sub domaining and they have all
halped but not sure how to handle this particual 'cathall case were anything
going to www.d.net will resolved to the 'about' action.

any help would be great.

thanks much


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