
In rfc 6638, this is mentioned

3.2.5 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6638#section-3.2.5>.  DTSTAMP
and SEQUENCE Properties
*   The server MUST ensure that a "DTSTAMP" iCalendar property is present*
   and set the value to the UTC time that the scheduling message was
   generated (as required by iCalendar).

   The server MUST ensure that for each type of scheduling operation,
   the "SEQUENCE" iCalendar property value is updated as per iTIP
   [RFC5546 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5546>].

Does that mean DTSTAMP is generated by server? Or does client need to put
that it in.

Also, what is the difference b/w DTSTAMP and CREATED properties

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