Thanks to Lisa Seiverts for an entertaining evening of dancing , 

and to Nat Hewitt and friend for excellent tunes. I applaud 

Lisa for doing such a great job calling basically a never-ever dance

and doing mostly contras! I picked up plenty of points for calling that 

type of dance, just by being on the dance floor. To be sure it was not a

difficult crowd (plenty of youthful energy!) but still a bit of a

There were a few experienced dancers on hand, they set up their 

digs by the hoarse shoe pits (near the river!)  the common ground 

landed us all in the same place.... 

Ossipee Valley Bluegrass (and folk) festival is very laid back and
nicely laid out 

with the Main venue in the middle of the camping area 

and there is always picking going on in the 'tent city' along with


The only downside I found is the food venues ( better to bring your own)

As Natt Hewitt commented If they want more of a folk crowed they will

to do better than Bluegrass food :-) (or something the same)

Hope other dancers and those interested in traditional music get to
experience this

Fest before it gets too big.

This was my 2nd year at OVB and I've had a great time both years.

Located in Cornish Maine, just a little ways from the NH border

in Late July 


See ya on the floor


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