OMG, Wendy, I *love* your hip-hop contra!!  How fun is that? This new fusion of 
the old dances with new tunes & moves has a lot of juice, and potential to keep 
the dance alive by intriguing the young folks in particular.  

Have you seen the video of Youth Dance Week's late night dancing to Tensta's My 
Cool?   Also, once I 
danced contra to a medley of Beatles tunes at Folklife, which had everyone, of 
all ages, whooping it up. 

Sometimes it seems there's quite a tension between the love of oldest 
traditions, a holding to familiar forms that are neither old nor new, and the 
desire to experiment with/create new fusion forms like this, gender-neutral 
calls, the inclusion of swing moves and tunes, etc.  I'd love to help our dance 
communities foster and hold both poles. Have you folks struggled with this 
tension in your communities? How do you deal with it? 


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