Remember back around 14.1.2 betas where an SM wouldn't see a primary AP 
and instead would register to the secondary? I saw hints that this was 
still a problem in 14.1.2 official and 14.2.1. It would pop up 
infrequently and rebooting the SM would fix it. Here we are today on 
15.0.2/ and I've witnessed this on 5GHz 450 and 450i, 3.6 450 
and now 900 450i.

We're futzing around with our 900 450i dual omni setup getting customers 
swapped over. This is an isolated area with no other 900 450i APs 
around. An installer will put a new SM on via ICC. Office tech will log 
in and provision it with the primary color code as well as our secondary 
to get set up for when we fully sectorize the site.

Every time they've done this, the SM simply doesn't even attempt to 
register after the reboot. The installer will log into the SM locally 
and no APs appear in the AP Eval list. It takes multiple power-cycles to 
get it to register.

Did another swap from FSK this morning and the office tech put in only 
the primary color code and it had no issues registering right after the 

I've seen this myself on the 3.6 450. Installer takes an SM out of the 
box running 13.2.1 and sets the frequencies/channel bandwidth scans, 
configures primary and secondary CC. I open up CNUT and send down It reboots and does not register. Instead in this case, I find 
it on the adjacent sector on the secondary CC at -82dBm power level. 
Reboot it and then it sees and registers on the primary.

So it looks like if the SM doesn't see an AP with its configured 
secondary, it refuses to even acknowledge the primary that's blasting in 
its face. It doesn't even show up in the eval list until after a reboot.

On a related note, I've also seen this after a DFS or LBT hit on a 
sector or two in a cluster. Every SM that was on that AP wouldn't see it 
after DFS CAC or LBT clear. They come up on a secondary and I tell them 
to rescan. Still don't see it. Reboot the SMs and some still don't see 
it. Reboot the AP and more then see it, but not all. Reboot the entire 
cluster and then everything is fine.

I'm very confused. Something ain't right.
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