
My name is Chris and I came across http://caml.inria.fr/

today while searching in Google.


Your site is easy to read, has good info,

and so it prompted me to write to you.


I work with fiddlewiddle.com , and I'm hoping you'll consider

linking to my site in return for me offering you a custom-written,

400+ word, unique article to include on your site.


The article will be well-written, interesting, and relevant

to what you currently write about on your website.


Most importantly, it will be 100% unique (never copied from another

site on the internet, and never given to anyone but you.)


A well-written article will provide you with additional quality

content for your readers and give you a boost in Google rankings.


I ask for only 2 text links within the article to

help promote my site in Google.

(NOT to draw visitors away from your site - inconspicuous links only)

If you are not interested in an article exchange, it is also possible to do a link exchange instead.

If you have any questions please contact me anytime

Thanks for your time and attention,


Chris Ellis

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