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Doctoral and PhD Workshop
4th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS 10)
July 11-15, 2010 - Cambridge, United Kingdom

DEBS 2010 will host a one-day Doctoral/PhD Workshop to be held in Cambridge, United Kingdom on July 11, 2010. The aim of the workshop is to provide feedback to PhD students working on topics related to event-based systems, complex event processing and publish/subscribe systems. To attend, PhD students are invited to submit a short paper describing their PhD work.

PhD workshop submission: May 24, 2010
Author notification: June 21,2010

GOALS AND SCOPE: The second DEBS PhD workshop is a forum for PhD students working in the broad areas of event-based systems, complex event processing and publish/subscribe systems. The goal of the workshop is to support students in their PhD project by providing a venue to present (preliminary) work, by stimulating feedback from experienced researchers and by facilitating interactions among PhD students.

We encourage students who are somewhere in the middle of their research to submit to this workshop to get feedback on their overall thesis work. They should be more or less clear about the problem that they want to target and have take preliminary steps towards the solution. In addition, we invite students who are at the beginning of their PhD work and would like to receive feedback on their initial research ideas, maybe before submitting a first workshop or conference paper.

Paper presentations will be limited to 20 minutes, with 25 additional minutes for discussion. This event will be a workshop in the true meaning of the word, with a focus on discussion and interaction. Additional social events for all participants will allow for further interaction.

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Papers should describe the problem addressed as part of the PhD work, explain its importance, discuss shortcomings of existing solutions and give some indication of steps towards a solution. There should be enough substance to encourage discussion at the workshop, but the work does not need to be complete. Please also include a thesis outline and a summary of further planned work.

Submitted papers should have 3-6 pages for PhD students part-way through their PhD and 1 page for beginning PhD students. All papers should be formatted according to the same rules as regular DEBS papers. Submissions must be single-author with the name of the supervisor mentioned. Authors should submit their papers in PDF format through the DEBS EasyChair conference management system (https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=debs10>, clearly indicating the type of paper. No copyrighted proceedings will be published (so future publication of the work in conferences/journals is not precluded), but accepted submissions will be made available electronically to all participants.

Important: We will not accept submissions that are typical conference paper submissions without explicit focus on the PhD work.

STRUCTURE: The Program Committee for this workshop consists mainly of distinguished researchers who are prominent in the field of event-based systems or who have obtained their own PhDs not too long ago. Members of the Program Committee will attend the PhD workshop to encourage and help, answer questions and give feedback. The PhD workshop will provide a friendly and supportive atmosphere for PhD students. There will be time to get to know other students and researcher from a range of countries and backgrounds and to have fun as well as to work.


Annika Hinze, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Avigdor Gal, Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

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