
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of March 10 to 17, 2015.

1) Core_profiler 112.19.00
2) ocaml-ctypes 0.4.0, a library for calling C functions directly from OCaml
3) Adding support for OCaml in PythonTeX
4) Other OCaml News

1) Core_profiler 112.19.00
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2015-03/msg00077.html>
** Jeremie Dimino announced:

I am pleased to announce the first release of Core_profiler. It is a
library that helps you profile programs and estimate various
costs. The library comes in three different flavors:

- "disabled" which does nothing, so that one can leave probes in a
program without performance penalty
- "online" to print live stats
- "offline" to store data on disk for later analysis

There github project has a wiki page to help you get started with the


And Core_profiler is available in opam:

opam install core_profiler
2) ocaml-ctypes 0.4.0, a library for calling C functions directly from OCaml
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2015-03/msg00081.html>
** Jeremy Yallop announced:

I'm happy to announce the release of ocaml-ctypes 0.4.0, which is now
available on OPAM.

== About ocaml-ctypes ==

The ocaml-ctypes library makes it possible to call C functions from
OCaml without writing any C code.  The core of the library is a set of
combinators for describing C types -- scalars, functions, structs,
unions, arrays, and pointers to values and functions.  Type
descriptions can then be used to bind native functions and values.
Here's a simple example:

    # let puts = foreign "puts" (string @-> returning int);;
    val puts : string -> int = <fun>
    # puts "Hello, world!";;
    Hello, world!

Ctypes includes many more features, including functions for retrieving
constants, values and details about object layout from C, a way of
building C libraries from OCaml modules, and a variety of binding
strategies such as dynamic linking and static stub generation.
Further information is available at the links below:

  Tutorial: <https://github.com/ocamllabs/ocaml-ctypes/wiki/ctypes-tutorial>
  Examples: <https://github.com/ocamllabs/ocaml-ctypes/tree/master/examples>
  Some packages using ctypes:
  API documentation: <http://ocamllabs.github.io/ocaml-ctypes/>
  Github repository: <https://github.com/ocamllabs/ocaml-ctypes>
  Direct download:

== New features in 0.4.0 ==

* Windows support (A. Hauptmann)

  32-bit and 64-bit builds on MinGW, and continuous integration using Appveyor.

* Xen support (Thomas Leonard)

* Add the C99 bool type (Ramkumar Ramachandra)

  The type representation

    val bool : bool typ

  supports passing bools to (and returning bools from) functions,
using them as struct members, etc.

* Typedef support (Edwin Török)

  A new function

    val typedef 'a typ -> string -> 'a typ

  supports defining type aliases that are used in top-level printing
and in stub generation.

* Enum types

  The new function

    val enum : string -> ?unexpected:(int64 -> 'a) -> ('a * int64
const) list -> 'a typ

  supports defining types representations that appear as OCaml types
(typically variants) on the OCaml side and C enums on the C side.

* Accessing C globals with foreign_value in generated stubs

  A new function

     val foreign_value : string -> 'a typ -> 'a ptr fn

  supports accessing C global values from OCaml programs.

* Retrieving #define and enum constants from C

  A new function

     val constant : string -> 'a typ -> 'a const

  supports retrieving compile-time constant values from C.

* Releasing the runtime lock in C calls

  The Foreign.foreign function now accepts an additional optional argument


  that indicates whether the runtime lock should be released for the
duration of the C call.

* Acquiring the runtime lock in callbacks

  The Foreign.funptr function now accepts an additional optional argument


  that indicates whether the runtime lock should be acquired for the
duration of the OCaml call.

* Passing 'bytes' values directly to C (Peter Zotov)

  The new function

    val ocaml_bytes_start : bytes -> bytes ocaml

  supports passing bytes values directly to C in situations where
performance is critical.

* Custom printers in views (Thomas Braibant)

  The view function now accepts an additional argument

     format:(Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit)

  which supports custom printing for values of a view type.

* Optionally obtain struct and union layout from C

  The new module Cstubs.Types supports retrieving struct and union
layouts from C as an alternative to computing them based on
programmer-supplied information

* string_opt wraps char *, not void *.

* Remove some poorly-supported POSIX types

  Several of the types in the PosixTypes module are no longer available.

* Use nativeint to represent pointers

  See "Incompatibilities" below.

* Support zero-argument callbacks

* A function for retrieving field names (Thomas Braibant)

  The new function

    val field_name : (_, _) field -> string

  retrieves the name of a struct or union field.

* Better exception handling when using RTLD_NOLOAD (A. Hauptmann)

* RTLD_LOCAL support for Dl.dlopen

* Changed the #include path to $(ocamlfind query ctypes)

  See "Incompatibilities" below.

* Renamed some internal modules to avoid name clashes

== Incompatibilities ==

This release introduces a number of minor incompatibilities.

* Include path

  The path to the headers installed by ctypes has changed from

     $(ocamlfind query ctypes)/..


     $(ocamlfind query ctypes)

  You can set things up to work with both ctypes 0.4.0 and previous
versions by configuring your build system to use both paths.

* Pointer representation

  The functions ptr_of_raw_address and raw_address_of_ptr previously
operated on int64 values, but now operate on nativeint values.

* Opam packages

  There are now two OPAM packages, ctypes and ctypes-foreign.  Only
the latter depends on libffi, so if your package uses only the ctypes
stub generation backend then users of your library need not install
libffi.  If you use the dynamic (Foreign) backend then you should
depend on both packages.

Existing OPAM packages that depend on ctypes have been updated accordingly.

== Thanks ==

Thanks to A. Hauptmann, David Sheets, Maverick Woo, Peter Zotov, David
Kaloper, Ramkumar Ramachandra, Thomas Braibant, Hugo Heuzard, Edwin
Török, Thomas Leonard and Yakov Zaytsev for contributions to this
3) Adding support for OCaml in PythonTeX
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2015-03/msg00083.html>
** José Romildo Malaquias announced:

PythonTeX [<https://www.ctan.org/pkg/pythontex>] is a LaTeX package that
allows Python code entered within a TeX document to be executed, and the
output to be included in the original document. It supports other
languagens beside Python.

I have just requested inclusion of OCaml support in PythonTeX:

The author of PythonTeX says it could be possible, and he explained what
would be needed from the OCaml side. See the discussion in issue #62 in
the previous link.

Basically, it would need a program which reads lines from a text file,
and these lines are given as input to an interactive session, giving
back input interspersed with output. He gives more details in the issue
discussion. Please read the issue discussion in the above link.

Is there already such a program? If not, can it be easily written?

I appreciate any help in providing this program.
4) Other OCaml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the OCaml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at <http://planet.ocaml.org/>.

ocaml-mysql 1.2.0 released:

OCaml EFL 1.13.0 released:

Labeled and optional arguments:

Full Time: Software Developer (Functional Programming) at Jane Street in New 
York, NY; London, UK; Hong Kong:

Heap - Leftist Tree:
Old cwn

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