
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of June 01 to 08,

Table of Contents

Boltzgen a test generator for teachers
Benchmark Tooling Engineer Position
Lightweight OCaml Docker Images created by dune with Multi-Stage Builds
Runtime Systems Engineer, OCaml Labs (UK) / Tarides (FR) / Segfault Systems 
(IN) / Remote
Timedesc 0.4.0 - date time handling library
serialization of closures
OCaml compiler development newsletter, issue 2: May 2021
OCaml 4.13.0, first alpha release
Spin 0.8.0
vec 0.3.0
First release of line_oriented

Boltzgen a test generator for teachers


benoitbarbot announced

  Boltzgen a test generator for teachers.

  I am pleased to introduce <https://git.lacl.fr/barbot/boltzgen>;
  Boltzgen: Boltzmann sampler test generator is a tool to generate
  tests. Given a function signature it generates a random set of call of
  this function on generated random input. Inputs are generated using a
  Boltzmann sampler for unlabeled structure. This project has the
  following objectives:
  • The primary goal was developing automatic grading system for purely
    functional programming exercises.
  • Generate values with as little information as possible in most case
    only its type, the input by the user should be as small as possible;
  • Strong probabilistic guarantee on the uniformity of the sample
    process thanks to Boltzmann sampler theory.

  Given a function specification as a type signature :

  │ type 'a tree =   Empty  | Node of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
  │ val sum: int list tree -> int

  Boltzgen returns calls to this function :

  │ sum (Node((Empty,[],(Node((Empty,[(-4); (-2); 6],Empty))))))
  │ sum (Node(((Node((Empty,[],Empty))),[13],Empty)))
  │ sum 
  │ ...

  You can try it with a buggy web interface here
  <https://www.lacl.fr/~barbot/boltzgen/>.  Or install it with opam and
  test locally.

  This tool was quickly developed during the first COVID 19 lockdown to
  quickly generate tests for programming exercise, many bugs remains,
  comments and contributions are welcome.

Perry E. Metzger asked and benoitbarbot replied

        Is there a reason that the utility of such a tool should
        be restricted to teachers? Property based randomized test
        systems also need tools like this for real world testing
        systems, do they not?

  No, they should not be restricted to teachers, There are some tool in
  Haskell using the same technique for test generations.

  But this utility in particular was built with teaching and automatic
  grading in mind. When teaching the base of functional programming,
  most exercises are writing a well define standalone pure function.

  When writing real world code, you often (depending on programming
  style) have a mutable custom type and function which interact with
  this type (ex HashTbl). Generating good test in this setting require
  additional work (but I have a few ideas).

  For this tool additional developments are required to use it in a
  testing framework :
  • The tool was written in hast, it probably should be entirely
  • Make it more reliable, right now I look at the generated result to
    make sure everything went right, more users are required !
  • It should be integrated in a testing framework which requires, I
    think, moving the generation at compile time and not at the
    execution time, for each type several functions are generated, this
    generation should be done with ppx_deriving, I need help to do that.
  • The ToDo list should be emptied, in particular I need help for the
    runtime generation of Ocaml value which requires knowledge in the
    internal Ocaml representation of value.

  The theory of Boltzmann sampling is really beautiful in the fact that
  abstract math (namely formal power series) are used in practice to
  generate quite efficiently discrete value. I believe it could be used
  for efficient testing in general.

Benchmark Tooling Engineer Position


Celine announced

  [Tarides] is looking for a [Benchmark Tooling Engineer].

  Tarides is a tech start-up founded in Paris in 2018 by pioneers of
  programming languages and cloud computing. Tarides develops a software
  infrastructure platform to deploy secure, distributed applications
  with strict resource constraints and low-latency performance
  requirements. Today, Tarides is composed of a diverse team of 35+

  We welcome applications from people of all backgrounds. We strive to
  create a representative, inclusive and friendly team, because we know
  that different experiences, perspectives and backgrounds make for a
  better workplace.

  Please, don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any question, I’ll be
  more than happy to reply! :slight_smile:

[Tarides] <https://tarides.com/>

[Benchmark Tooling Engineer]

Lightweight OCaml Docker Images created by dune with Multi-Stage Builds


Asya-kawai announced

  I've written an article of Docker multi-stage Build for lightweight
  OCaml application using dune.  I refered this
  and customized to use dune.


Yawar Amin then said

  Nice write-up! You can also use opam lockfiles for reproducible
  builds: <https://khady.info/opam-sandbox.html>

  The main difference in the Dockerfile will be:

  │ opam install . --deps-only --locked

  You won't need to specify the packages in the install command, since
  they will be in the lockfile.

Runtime Systems Engineer, OCaml Labs (UK) / Tarides (FR) / Segfault Systems 
(IN) / Remote


KC Sivaramakrishnan announced

Multicore OCaml Runtime Systems Engineer

  The Multicore OCaml team is hiring a runtime systems engineer to hack
  on the OCaml compiler. This position is being advertised jointly by
  [OCaml Labs (UK)], [Tarides (France)] and [Segfault Systems (India)].

[OCaml Labs (UK)] <https://ocamllabs.io/runtime_systems_engineer.html>

[Tarides (France)] <https://tarides.com/jobs/runtime-systems-engineer>

[Segfault Systems (India)]

Multicore OCaml

  The [Multicore OCaml] project aims to bring native support for
  scalable concurrency and shared memory parallelism to the OCaml
  programming language. At its core, Multicore OCaml extends OCaml with
  [effect handlers] for expressing scalable concurrency, and a
  [high-performance concurrent garbage collector] aimed at responsive
  networked applications. Multicore OCaml is also the first
  industrial-strength language to be equipped with [an efficient yet
  modular memory model], allowing high-level local program reasoning
  while retaining performance. Multicore OCaml is actively being
  developed and core features are being [upstreamed to OCaml].

[Multicore OCaml] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore>

[effect handlers] <https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.00250>

[high-performance concurrent garbage collector]

[an efficient yet modular memory model]

[upstreamed to OCaml]

Qualifications & Experience

  We are looking for an experienced (3Y+) systems engineer to join our
  team. Ideally, you will have:

  • Excellent knowledge of C programming, parallel programming and
    Operating Systems.
  • Worked on Compilers, Garbage Collectors and other runtime systems.
  • Working knowledge of computer architecture and micro-architecture.
  • Experience in analysing benchmarks and application performance.
  • Track record of building production-quality software.
  • Demonstrable open source contributions are a plus, but not required.
  • Good communication skills in English; English is the corporate
  • Experience of working in multidisciplinary teams.


  • Design and implement features in the Multicore OCaml runtime system.
  • Develop tests and documentation for the Multicore OCaml features.
  • Implement parallel benchmarks, analyse and improve the performance
    of Multicore OCaml programs.
  • Submit pull requests to the OCaml programming language on GitHub,
    and work with the OCaml core team to get the features merged.
  • Work with external clients and other teams to gather requirements,
    develop proposals, design solutions and communicate project
  • Provide technical mentorship to other developers on the team.
  • Communicate with the wider open-source community (discuss, blog
    posts, meetups, conferences, talks, etc.).

What we offer

  • Competitive pay and benefits package.
  • Flexible working hours and the possibility to work remotely within
    the UK / France / India.
  • Supportive team environment with experienced Technical and Team
  • The opportunity to grow with a fast-growing company.


  • *OCaml Labs (UK)*: Please send your CV and cover letter to
  • *Tarides (France)*: Please send your CV and cover letter to
  • *Segfault Systems (India)*: Please send your CV and cover letter to

  If shortlisted, you will have three online interviews starting with a
  general interview, followed by a technical interview, and finally an
  interview with the team.

  We welcome applications from people of all backgrounds. We strive to
  create a representative, inclusive and friendly team because we know
  that different experiences, perspectives and backgrounds make for a
  better workplace.

Timedesc 0.4.0 - date time handling library


Darren announced

  I'm pleased to announce the release of [Timedesc] 0.4.0.

  Timedesc provides utilities to describe points of time, and properly
  handle calendar and time zone information.

  Tutorial and API doc can be found [here].

[Timedesc] <https://github.com/daypack-dev/timere>



  • Timestamp and date time handling with platform independent time zone
    • Subset of the IANA time zone database is built into this library
  • Supports Gregorian calendar date, ISO week date, and ISO ordinal
  • Supports nanosecond precision
  • ISO8601 parsing and RFC3339 printing

Major changes since 0.1.0

  • Added `ceil', `floor', and `round' to `Timedesc.Span'
  • Better support for second fraction for non-RFC3339 pretty printers
    • This includes automatic deduction of smallest number of fractional
      digits required for lossless representation, previously only used
      for RFC3339 pretty printers (see `{sec-frac:c}' [description])
  • Added `Timedesc.Zoneless' module for better time zone-less date time
  • Added `compare_chrono_min', `compare_chrono_max', and
    `compare_struct' for comparing `Timedesc.t' values


serialization of closures


Christophe Raffalli asked

  I just noticed that in 4.12+effect, in the road to multicore, we have
  now the nice exception:

  │ Failure("Serializing closures is broken in multicore")

  This is a bit a pity: if you want to use both multicore and
  multi-machine parallelism, then, marshalling closures was useful for
  communication between machines in some cases. Is it a final decision
  or serialization of closures will be lost forever in OCaml ?

  Remark: Closures is not marked as obsolete in Marshal.mli

Xavier Leroy replied

  I was not aware of this limitation of Multicore OCaml, and looking at
  its git history, it looks like it was introduced very early in the
  development, perhaps to make things simpler initially.

  Marshalling of function closures has always been sort of experimental
  and not super reliable, but I was not expecting it to be incompatible
  with Multicore OCaml.  We (the core dev team) will sort it out.

OCaml compiler development newsletter, issue 2: May 2021


gasche announced

  I’m happy to publish the second issue of the “OCaml compiler
  development newsletter”. (This is by no means exhaustive: many people
  didn’t end up having the time to write something, and it’s fine.)

  Feel free of course to comment or ask questions!

  If you have been working on the OCaml compiler and want to say
  something, please feel free to post in this thread! If you would like
  me to get in touch next time I prepare a newsletter issue (some random
  point in the future), please let me know by email at (gabriel.scherer
  at gmail).

  Previous issue:
  • [OCaml compiler development newsletter, issue 1: before May 2021]

[OCaml compiler development newsletter, issue 1: before May 2021]

Gabriel Scherer and Nicolas Chataing (@gasche and @nchataing)

  [Gabriel writing] my main recent compiler-related activity is ongoing
  work with my intern Nicolas Chataing to implement a prototype of
  variant constructor unboxing, a core subset of what Jeremy Yallop
  proposed ( <https://github.com/ocaml/RFCs/pull/14> ). Currently OCaml
  can "unbox" a variant if it has a single constructor (with a single

  │ type t = Int of int [@@unboxed]

  Jeremy's idea is to support the case where there are other
  constructors, but the tag (immediate value or block constructor tag)
  of the constructor parameter is disjoint from the tag of any other
  value at this type.

  │ type t = Short of int [@unboxed] | Long of Mpz.t

  Nicolas' prototype implementation is going along nicely, with some
  interesting challenges encountered and solved, and a few refactoring
  PRs along the way (#[10307], #[10412], #[10428]).

  A key ingredient is to be able to compute the "head shape" of an OCaml
  type, an over-approximation of the set of possible tags of its
  values. We hit a few engineering and research issues in doing
  this. Where in the codebase should this be computed (beware of
  circular module dependencies)? Can we compute this information in a
  precise way in presence of mutually-recursive types, without risking

  We are taking inspiration from a general approach proposed by Leo
  White and Stephen Dolan to compute these kind of "type declaration
  properties" on-demand instead of as part of the type declaration's
  signature (see their proposal for "immediacy" at #[10017], #[10041] ),
  but our property is demanded more often (any occurrence of the
  constructor) and is more fine-grained (it is sensitive to type
  parameters), so we had to invent some solutions for new problems. (A
  close cousin is `get_unboxed_type_representation', which avoids
  non-termination by using fuel, and we wanted something nicer than

  We discuss our handling of termination in (some) details in the
  following short abstract: [Unfolding ML datatype definitions without

[10307] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10307>

[10412] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10412>

[10428] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10428>

[10017] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/10017>

[10041] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/10041>

[Unfolding ML datatype definitions without loops]

Xavier Leroy (@xavierleroy)

  I worked with Damien Doligez and Sadiq Jaffer on the "safe points"
  proposal (#[10039]), which is required to move forward with
  integrating Multicore OCaml.  I re-expressed the static analyses that
  support the insertion of polls as backward dataflow analyses, making
  them simpler to understand and more robust.  We also discussed whether
  to insert polls at the top of loops or at the bottom.  Both strategies
  are implemented in the current state of the PR, and Sadiq is currently
  benchmarking them.

  All this rekindled my interest in dataflow analyses.  I wrote a
  generic backward dataflow analyzer, parameterized by an abstract
  domain and a transfer function (#[10404]).  Originally I intended to
  use it only for the insertion of polls, but I also used it to
  reimplement the liveness analysis that plays a crucial role for
  register allocation and dead code elimination.  A problem with the old
  liveness analysis is that it takes time exponential in the nesting of
  loops.  The new generic analyzer avoids this pitfall by starting
  fixpoint iterations not systematically at the bottom of the abstract
  domain, but at the fixpoint found earlier, if any.  This makes
  liveness analysis linear in the nesting of loops, and at worst cubic
  in the size of the function, instead of exponential.

  Then I applied the same trick to the two passes that insert spills and
  reloads preventively (#[10414]).  These are "analyze and
  simultaneously transform" passes, so I could not use the generic
  dataflow analyzer, but I could reuse the same improved fixpoint
  iteration strategy, again avoiding behaviors exponential in the
  nesting of loops.  For instance, a trivial function consisting of 16
  nested "for" loops now compiles in a few milliseconds, while it took
  several seconds before.

[10039] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10039>

[10404] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10404>

[10414] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10414>

Jacques Garrigue (@garrigue)

  No new PR this month, but I have kept working on those that were
  started in April, and are not yet merged:

  • #[10348] improves the way expansion is done during unification, to
     avoid some spurious GADT related ambiguity errors
  • #[10364] changes the typing of the body of the cases of
     pattern-matchings, allowing to warn in some non-principal
     situations; it also uncovered a number of principality related bugs
     inside the the type-checker
  • #[10337] enforces that one always manipulate a normalized view of
     types by making type_expr an abstract type (with Takafumi Saikawa

  For this last PR, we have interestingly observed that while this
  multiplied the number of calls to repr by a factor of up to 4,
  resulting in a 4% overhead in stdlib for instance, we could see no
  performance degradation in the compilation of Coq.

  I have also discovered a new principality bug in the implementation of
  GADTs (see #[10348] again), which fortunately should not affect

  In a slightly different direction, I have started working on a backend
    targetting Coq: <https://github.com/COCTI/ocaml/tree/ocaml_in_coq>

  If you add the -coq option to ocamlc, you get a .v file in place of a
  .cmo.  It is still in a very early stage, only able to compile core ML
  programs, including references.  The main difference with coq-of-ocaml
  is that the translation is intended to be soundness preserving: the
  resulting Coq code can be typed and evaluated without axioms, and
  should reduce to the same resut as the source program, so that the
  type soudness of Coq underwrites that of ocaml (for individual
  programs). At this point, it only relies on a single relaxation of the
  positivity restriction of Coq.

[10348] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10348>

[10364] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10364>

[10337] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10337>

Thomas Refis (@trefis)

  Recently, Didier Rémy and I have been looking at _modular explicits_,
  a small extension between the core and module language to help
  manipulate first-class functors and give the illusion of abstraction
  over module arguments in the core language via a new construct
  (tentatively) called _dependent functions_.

  This construct was first introduced in the context of the [modular
  implicits] proposal; roughly it's what you're left with if you take
  away the "resolution of implicit arguments" part of that proposal.

  As such, it is a natural stepping stone towards modular implicits and
  already has its own self-contained PR: #[9187], contributed by Matthew

  What Didier and I have been focusing on recently is producing a more
  formal description of the feature and its relationship to first-class
  modules, as well as some arguments to justify that it is reasonable
  and desirable to add it to the language, even in the absence of
  modular implicits.

[modular implicits] <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1512.01895.pdf>

[9187] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/9187>

Stephen Dolan (@stedolan)

  I've just opened #[10437], which allows explicit quantifiers for type
  variables in signatures and GADTs, a small feature I promised to OCaml
  maintainers a dozen of months ago. (The ulterior motive is that these
  explicit quantifiers give a good place to put layout information, but
  I think they're worth having on their own merits).

  Note: The on-demand immediacy proposal in #[10017] / #[10041], which
  Gabriel mentioned above, is extracted from part of the kinding system
  in the experimental branch
  <https://github.com/janestreet/ocaml/tree/layouts> , which
  additionally allows quantification over types of a given immediacy /
  layout: for instance, one can write `type ('a : immediate) t = { foo :
  'a }' and have inference, etc. work as expected.

[10437] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/10437>

[10017] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10017>

[10041] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10041>

Sadiq Jaffer (@sadiqj)

  The Safepoints PR #[10039] has a few updates. It now has a new static
  analysis, written by Xavier Leroy and Damien Doligez, and has working
  code emitters on all 64-bit platforms.

  The static analysis had some flexibility on poll placement in
  loops. We've benchmarked on amd64 and arm64, choosing to go with the
  option that results in slightly fewer instructions and branches across
  the Sandmark suite. Short of some refactoring I don't think there are
  any other oustanding issues with the PR.

  Building on safepoints, I should soon have an attribute to propose
  which will enable users with atomic code blocks to safely migrate to a
  version of OCaml with safepoints. A draft PR or RFC will be coming
  very soon.

  I am also doing some work on the [instrumented runtime]. One of the
  project's goals is to be able to continuously monitor OCaml
  applications running in a production environment. To that end I'm
  evaluating the instrumented runtime's performance overhead (both
  enabled and not), determining what work would be required to reduced
  the overhead and how we could modify the runtime to continuously
  extract metrics and events.

[10039] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/10039/>

[instrumented runtime]

Anil Madhavapeddy (@avsm)

  Ewan Mellor and I are working on a CI that'll make it easy to test
  individual changesets to the OCaml compiler and run "reverse
  dependencies" against a set of opam packages to isolate precisely
  what's causing a failure.

  A failure to build an opam package can come from a variety of
  reasons. This can range from a build failure against a stable released
  compiler, to a failure on just OCaml trunk (but success on a released
  compiler), to a failure just on OCaml trunk + the PR in question.
  It's the triage of which of these situations is causing the package
  build failure that our new CI focusses on. Having this CI should let
  us quickly determine a PR's impact and potential regressions on the
  package ecosystem. Once the CI is stable on the OCaml multicore trees,
  I plan to submit it as a CI to run against mainline OCaml as well.

  The working tree is at [ocaml-multicore-ci] (although it's called a
  "multicore CI", its really just turned into an "ocaml-compiler-ci" and
  we will rename the repository before a first release).

[ocaml-multicore-ci] <https://github.com/ocurrent/ocaml-multicore-ci>

Florian Angeletti (@Octachron)

  This week I have been working a bit on adding swaps and moves to the
  diffing based error messages for type declarations in #[10361].

  (And the release of the first alpha for OCaml 4.13.0)

  The core idea of the PR is that when comparing
  │ type t = { a:int; b:int; c:int; d:int }
  │ type t = { a:int; c:int; d:int }
  in an error message, it is better to notice that we are missing one
  field rather than trying to compare the fields `b' and `c'.

  And with the machinery introduced for functor diffing, this is quite
  straigthforward to implement. I have been experimenting with this
  option since last december, and with the functor diffing PR merged
  #[9331], I proposed a PR #[10361] in April.

  However, compared to functors, in type declarations, we have have one
  supplementary piece of information: the name of fields and
  constructors at a given position.  Not using this piece of information
  yields slightly akward error messages:

  │ module M: sig type t = { a:int; b:int } end = struct type t = {b:int; 
a:int} end
  │ 1. Fields have different names, a and b.
  │ 2. Fields have different names, b and a.
  Here, it would be better to recognize that the two fields have been

  One simple way to do this without increasing the diffing complexity is
  to identify swaps at posteriori on the optimal patch produced by the
  diffing algorithm.

  In this way we can replace the previous error message by
  │ 1<->2. Fields a and b have been swapped.
  without increasing the cost of the error analysis.

  A similar situation happens when the position of a field changes
  between the interface and the implementation
  │ module M: sig
  │    type t = { a:unit; b:int; c:float}
  │ end = struct
  │    type t = { b:int; c:float; a:unit}
  │ end

  Explaining that the implementation can be transformed into the
  interface by adding a field `a' before the field `b' and deleting
  another field `a' after `c' is correct. But it is much nicer to sum up
  the issue as
  │ 1->3. Field a has been moved from position 1 to 3
  Both composite moves are now recognized.

  People interested by error message in OCaml should also have a look at
  the great work by Antal Spector-Zabusky in #[10407] to improve the
  module level error message by expanding them with a full error trace.
  (The two PRs are quite complementary.)

[10361] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/10361>

[9331] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/9331>

[10361] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10361>

[10407] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/10407>

Frédéric Recoules asked and gasche replied

        Thank you @gasche and all the authors, these posts are
        really interesting!

        I am looking forward to see all of this in the compiler,
        especially the work of @nchataing :upside_down_face:

        Just reacting to the example, it would be nice if you can
        tag the type `Mpz.t' with `[@custom]' + `[@unboxed]' (is
        there a syntax to add multiple annotation?) because
        `custom' (hat, c.f. [Unfolding ML datatype definitions
        without loops] is distinguishable of `int' (hat and all
        other tag too).

  One issue with `custom' tags is that they are currently only visible
  on the C side, the OCaml type is opaque, so the `[@custom]' annotation
  would have to be trusted by the compiler, which is meh. But the
  feature would be a special case of allowing shape restrictions on
  abstract types; which makes perfect sense.

[Unfolding ML datatype definitions without loops]

Rudi Grinberg asked and octachron replied

        @octachron the progress in improving error messages is an
        exciting development. Thanks!

        Is there any work to improve error messages for
        consumption by other tools? I know there's the json
        effort, but it seems to have been stalled. What about
        improving the compiler api to use the `sub' field for sub
        messages more consistently. This would greatly improve the
        presentation of errors to the user in lsp/merlin.

  The json work for the error metadata was temporally stopped to ensure
  that it was still compatible with Merlin, but I am planning to get
  back to in for 4.14 . Also I would be quite keen to discuss potential
  use cases to ensure that the produced json is useful for tools.

  Concerning, error submessages, I didn't know that lsp/merlin was using
  them successfully. But yes, if there is such an use case, it would
  help motivate a more consistent use of submessages in the
  compiler. Note that as an experiment, the new functor diffing error
  message in 4.13.0 already uses suberror messages in the functor
  application case.  However, for functors (and any module level error
  really), a tree structure would have been more natural than a list of
  submessages at least from the producer side. I would expect that tools
  could also benefit from such a tree of error messages, but this seems
  worth discussing in term of design.

Rudi Grinberg then said

  A tree structure sounds like the right thing to do conceptually. But
  at least in lsp, errors are permitted to have a flat list of "related"
  messages with locations. That fits the current data error data
  structure used by OCaml. If a tree was used, I would probably have to
  flatten it anyways.

OCaml 4.13.0, first alpha release


octachron announced

  Three months after the release of OCaml 4.12.0, the set of new
  features for the future version 4.13.0 of OCaml has been frozen. I am
  thus happy to announce the first alpha release for OCaml 4.13.0 .

  This alpha version is here to help fellow hackers join us early in our
  bug hunting and opam ecosystem fixing fun (see below for the
  installation instructions). You can see the progress on this front at


  If you find any bugs, please report them here:

  Once most major OCaml tools are supported, we will switch to beta
  releases.  The full release is expected to happen in September.

  If you are interested by the ongoing list of new features and bug
  fixes, the updated change log for OCaml 4.13.0 is available at:


  Note that there is still some on-going work to support improved
  polling points in preparation for OCaml multicore. Another alpha
  release will be published once this work is merged.

Installation instructions

  The base compiler can be installed as an opam switch with the
  following commands
  │ opam update
  │ opam switch create 4.13.0~alpha1 
  If you want to tweak the configuration of the compiler, you can switch
  to the option variant with:
  │ opam update
  │ opam switch create <switch_name> 
  where <option_list> is a comma separated list of ocaml-option-*
  packages. For instance, for a flambda and no-flat-float-array switch:
  │ opam switch create 4.13.0~alpha1+flambda+nffa
  All available options can be listed with "opam search ocaml-option".

  If you want to test this version, it is advised to install the alpha
  opam repository at

  │ opam repo add alpha git://github.com/kit-ty-kate/opam-alpha-repository.git
  This alpha repository contains various fixes in the process of being

  The source code for the alpha is also available at these addresses:

  • <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/archive/4.13.0-alpha1.tar.gz>
  • <https://caml.inria.fr/pub/distrib/ocaml-4.13/ocaml-4.13.0~alpha1.tar.gz>

Spin 0.8.0

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-spin-0-8-0/7969/1>

Thibaut Mattio announced

  I'm happy to announce a new version of `Spin', the OCaml project

  This version comes with a lot of improvements. I'm joining the
  Changelog below, but I'll highlight some of them here.

Spin as an Opam plugin

  This version of Spin is available as an Opam plugin.

  `opam spin new cli', for instance, will generate a new CLI.

The `hello' command

  This release comes with a brand new template targetted solely at
  first-time users.

  The `spin hello' command will generate an hello world project where
  the development setup and directory structure are explained in the

  Each file are extensively documented, so users can just open any file
  and learn by example.

  If you're onboarding new users, I'd be curious what's your experience
  with `opam spin hello'!

Simplified templates

  The templates have been simplified.

  Some templates supported some very specific use cases, such as
  deploying a CLI on NPM. This is no longer the case and the focus for
  the official templates from now on will be to support the recommended
  setup (ie. the OCaml Platform) only.

  Part of this simplification is also achieved by dropping the support
  for Reason and Esy. The previous templates will be available at
  (<https://github.com/ocaml-templates>) with the `reason-' prefix.

  I've extracted them already, but they will need some reworking before
  they are usable again.

Better prompts

  The interactive prompts have been improved through a complete rewrite
  of [`inquire'], the prompt library used in Spin.

  I've tried to test the new prompts as much as possible, but if you
  encounter an issue with them, don't hesitate to open an issue on Spin
  or Inquire.

[`inquire'] <https://github.com/tmattio/inquire>

Dream template

  Not really part of this release, because this is a community template,
  but I have been working on a template for Dream, the new kid OCaml web
  framework scene, by @aantron.

  To try it, you can run: `opam spin new

  It comes with a modern setup, including:

  • TailwindCSS integrated with Dune
  • Inter fonts
  • Live reloading on file system change
  • Turbolink setup

  It's a bit heavy for my taste at the moment, so I will work on making
  most of the features optionnal, but if you're looking to start a new
  Dream app quickly, this might be useful.


  Here's the complete Changelog.


  • Added an `hello' command to generate a tutorial project
  • Added a `parse_binaries' stanza that can be `true' to force Spin to
    parse binary files
  • Added a `raw_files' stanza that takes a list of file or glob
    expressions to instruct Spin to copy files instead of parsing them
  • Added a new `c-bindings' template for C bindings using `ctypes'
  • Added a new `js' template for javascript applications with


  • Removed the `gen' subcommand. The generators will come back with a
    much better workflow
  • Dropped support for Esy and Reason. The templates are now using the
    recommended OCaml setup only. The previous templates are hosted at
  • Changed the templates to use the `ISC' license
  • Increase version of `ocamlformat' to `0.18.0' in templates
  • Do not install merlin when installing dev dependencies in templates
  • Drop support for BuckleScript in PPX
  • Drop support for publishing on NPM for CLI and PPX templates
  • Update CI scripts to `ocaml/setup-ocaml@v2'
  • Remove python dependency to serve documentation in Makefile
  • Inline release script in Makefile
  • Remove global `-open StdLabels' in templates
  • The `spa' template has been removed from the official templates and
    now lives at <https://github.com/ocaml-templates/spin-incr-dom>
  • Spin does not parse binary files by default anymore, they are simply
    copied to the destination folder
  • Use `test' stanza for unit tests now that Alcotest prints colors by
  • Remove unused flags defined in the root's `dune' file


  • The project generation will now fail before the configurations
    prompt if the output directory is not empty
  • By default, Spin now creates a local switch for the generated
    projects. This can be changed with `spin config', or by setting the
    env variable `SPIN_CREATE_SWITCH=false'
  • Fix an CLI incompatibility between `opam.2.0.X' and `opam.2.1.X'
    that made Spin unusable with the former.

  I'm also taking the occasion to mention that I am looking for a
  co-maintainer. If you're interested in improving OCaml tooling and
  think Spin is a good addition to OCamlers' toolchain, please DM me :)

vec 0.3.0

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-vec-0-3-0/7971/1>

Alex Ionescu announced

  I’ve just released version `0.3.0' of `vec' , a library for safe
  dynamic arrays with Rust-like mutability permissions.

  You can find the package on opam [here], and the source repository

  Based on recent feedback, I've revised the API to have more consistent
  permissions, following some simple rules:

  • *Reading* basic properties (`length', `capacity', `growth_rate')
     requires no permissions
  • Operations that return or indirectly give access to the vector's
    elements (i.e. by passing them to a user-provided function) require
    *read* permission
  • Operations that mutate the vector's state (including modifying its
    elements, resizing its buffer or modifying growth rate) require
    *write* permission

  I've also added some new APIs for inserting and removing elements at
  arbitrary indexes, and reworked how `ensure_capacity' works: Now
  `ensure_capacity n v' ensures that `v''s buffer has at least `n' free

  Please let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions!

[here] <https://opam.ocaml.org/packages/vec/>

[here] <https://github.com/aionescu/vec>

First release of line_oriented


UnixJunkie announced

  A very small library to treat files with lines of text like string
  lists.  <https://github.com/UnixJunkie/line-oriented>

  The interface is here:

  To get it:
  │ opam install line_oriented


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  [Alan Schmitt]

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