On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 08:20:00AM -0600, Mark Fredrickson wrote:
> I'd like to see the logic in the camping server wrapped into a class.
> This would allow other uses. Right now, there is no easy way to pass
> in database, url, and port parameters. It would be helpful to have an
> API like:
> require 'camping/server'
> db = { 'host' => 'localhost, 'username' => 'camping', 'password' =>
> 'foo', 'db' => 'mysql_camping', .... }
> myserver = Camping::Server.new('localhost', 3301, db)
> myserver.run # boots the server and returns when the sever dies

That's a brilliant idea.  Thankyou and there's no rush, just: whenever.

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