On 28-Apr-07, at 1:39 PM, Bil Kleb wrote:

> Someone asked:
>> Are you looking for a REST tutorial, or are you already familiar with
>> REST and just want to know how to use it with Camping?
> I am barely familiar with both REST and Camping, and I'd like
> to explore some RESTful Camping as a way to learn both.

With regards to rest, the rails community has more tutorials. Infact,  
there is a peepcode screencast:


It also includes a free, rails specific, cheat sheet.

 From the perspective of services using your camping app, one of the  
most important things (as I understand it) is the URL of the action.

The cheat sheet includes a table which matches up some rails methods  
with HTTP predicates and paths and software actions.

With regards to implementing it in Camping...

This thread includes discussion about getting Camping to recognize  
other predicates


Otherwise, some problems with using semicolons to access different  
aspects ( http://code.whytheluckystiff.net/camping/ticket/118 ) which  
is, according to the people talking there, a rails-ish thing anyways.

Hope this helps,

ps:  is the airfoil calculator going to be publicly available...? :)

> Later,
> --
> Bil Kleb
> http://fun3d.larc.nasa.gov
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