Hi Tim,

On Jul 11, 2007, at 3:34 PM, Tim Fletcher wrote:
>    My opinion would be to keep it seperate so that in can be  
> usedelsewhere, but provide a hook into Markaby. So something along the
> lines of this (completely untested):

Thanks!  That's exactly what I needed.  The whole implementation is  
now at:


This uses an Markaby::SVG11 tagset, which is at:


The only ugly bit is that Markaby defines "text" as the output  
command, which conflicts with the SVG tag named "text." I remember  
_why saying he was going to rename that method to "out" or something.  
Is that still planned?

To use it, simply make sure that builder_svg is loaded, and do  
something like:

> html do
>       head {title "Testing HTML+SVG"}
>       body do
>               p "Below is a wonderful example of"
>               a "SVG", :href => "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
>               svg do
>                       title "Slide Title"
> rect({:x=>2,:y=>2,:width=>508,:height=>318,:fill=>"aqua"})
>               end
>       end
> end

I have a test suite, if anyone is interested. I haven't done anything  
fancy yet, but it seems to all work.

Is this something I should submit as a patch to Markaby itself?

-- Ernie P.

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