Hello there!

Been loving getting stuck in & creating bits & bobs with this
wonderful little framework. Had a go at making a listing of a bunch of
opening events which occur in my current city of residence - Tokyo.
Unfortunately, although the app seemed to be fine running locally (in
production), once pushed to Heroku I began to see intermittent
occurrences of:

!! Unexpected error while processing request: undefined method
`to_sym' for nil:NilClass

just as the app reached rendering the (haml) view.

The problem is, there is no stack trace which is spit out at this
point - and any puts I have added to the view to check things are ok,
are never reached. I have a hunch that this may be to do with haml /
tilt not starting up in time but was wondering if there's a way to
make production camping apps more "verbose", or if this is needed at

Thank you all.

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