On 1/21/07, Jamis Buck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the same vein, I've decided to give docbook a try for the
> Capistrano documentation. Why? Because I want to be able to put the
> documentation under version control, and because I want to be able to
> maintain docs for each released version. I hate hate HATE xml, but
> there is no denying that it excels when you use it for what it was
> originally designed for. :) If anyone would like to help write the
> "getting started" manual, please email me offlist (address above) and
> I'll ping you when I've got the outline minimally fleshed out.
> Knowledge of docbook would be a plus, but is not necessary. For now,
> I'm just using the XSL stylesheets that docbook provides, but they
> are ugly as sin and eventually I'd love for some XSL guru to
> volunteer to design a prettier version. :) But I'll wait until we
> have a website design first, since that'll form the basis for other
> views.


  If one of the major requirements for the documentation is to be able
  to put the files under revision control, why not use one of the
  simple-wiki-like-text-formatter-to-html/pdf/... that exists ?
  I'm currently evaluating asciidoc[1], and it seems to be quite good.
  You could have a simple svn post-commit hook script that publishes
  the doc after each commit.

[1] http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/

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