Cool stuff!

The C++ implementation has test.capnp that should cover everything, but is
pretty messy, having evolved slowly together with the C++ implementation.
Definitely nice to have a separate test repository that is clean and really
meant to be consumed by multiple implementations.


On Sun, Jul 18, 2021 at 9:47 AM Brian Olsen <> wrote:

> A while back I played around with making my own implementation of Cap'n
> Proto in Rust and for that I really wanted a good test suite that covers
> corner cases. And so I started building that.
> Because I thought that good test data might also be relevant to other
> implementations I tried making a setup that would be easily usable by other
> implementations so that you can compare your implementation to the
> reference C++ one.
> The result is:
> It consists of schemas and messages as well as JSON representation of
> those messages as the capnp tool sees them. The idea is that most languages
> have some JSON library that you can use to read the JSON messages and you
> can then compare that to how your implementation reads the binary message.
> I would love you hear your input.
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