Hi Carbon Dev,

I have implemented two Java EJB3 web services and connected to WSO2 ESB as
end points. Both are identical in terms of configuration and the only
difference is the set of methods (will call them ServiceA and ServiceB).

I extracted WSO2 ESB 3.0.1 and (a fresh copy) and added a new end point
called ServiceAEndPoint (using the Add Address End Point options) and then
created a service proxy for that (Log and Forward).
This is working fine. It shows me 6 ports when I used the try service
(SOAP1.1, 1.2, default x (HTTP + HTTPS)).

However when I add ServiceB as an end point and exposed it using a service
proxy it only shows my 3 ports (HTTPS ones) and those even do not work from
the try service.

Do you have any thoughts why it only shows 3 ports of HTTPS in the service
tester? I checked the wsdl and it only has 3. But for service A I get 6 and
from the service tester I can invoke SOAP 1.1 ones (HTTP and HTTPS). I added
another service (Service C) using an end point but for the even I get 3

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