
It seems that Google translator is making understandable work between Spanish 
Congratulations to Marcelino. It seems that problems are similar in Mexico than 
we have in


The fact that the problem of administrative and resource flows are often 
tedious to get
around obstacles ... happened to us seven years ago when we started to bring 
computers to
hospitals here in Corrientes Argentina, IT did not exist, much less any 
channels more or less standard, so it was super complex to implement a system 
that had
developed as .
Unfortunately the project fell for political nonsense of a new management and 
every effort
made to lungs for 4 years came in with a change of government ... Today we are 
trying to
start over with another system, open and free technology and web platform 
I wish you total success in implementing and congratulations on taking the 

On May 18, 2010 01:39 <marcelino_mat...@hotmail.com> Marcelino Palacios Mateos
Here in Oaxaca Mexico in Oaxaca children's hospital, we are implementing Care2x.

It is a tertiary, pediatric, SensAble 60 beds belonging to the secretariat of 
health and health
services oaxaca (government)

The project is divided into several stages we are going a little slow (mainly 
because the loose
admin, osea I have not had time to spend as it should)

The first part, which is already working to monitor cases that are reported to 

The reception entry operators capture each of the patients with their 
respective pathologies.
Then, we developed a mini aplicacioncitas (with PHPMaker) to extract 
information and
reports from the tables in the database (created some views)

The second part, integrate social work, x-ray laboratory

later, a box and integrate all administrative presonal.

finally to maintenance (my area lol)

It is worth mentioning that being a government isntituciĆ³n, we have no resource 
to invest (the
server is a small machine that assembled my property I donated to the hospital 
very nearly)

we need about 150 computers (anyone want to donate? "?? lol) and we are using 
some pots
that still have Windows ME (sufficient but the machines are shut up in pieces).

As the hospital is being remodeled, it is restructuring the voice and data 
network (under my
supervision and a project that was developed in conjunction with the 
maintenance area of the

If anyone is interested, I'm not a programmer and use the tools I have to make 
my life much
easier (as PHPMaker)

I had many problems to implement it, but overall results were excellent.

I hardly escape our popular insurance cases and we'll take a good workload to 
the charge of
the clinical record.

We want the poyecto is much larger, but this will be little by little.

I hope they can use my very brief escription of this, and if someone intertesa, 
we're here I
can comment with details that I had problems and how resolved.

Receive a greeting from Oaxaca Mexico

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