A just published paper on "BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making", 
10(1), pp. 22 (2010-04-16) cites, as an example, the way the Care2x uses 
a wiki to store its project documentation

"Open source challenges for hospital information system (HIS) in 
developing countries: a pilot project in Mali"
Full article at: 

 From the abstract:
Initial results showed the potential of Open Source in the field of 
health IT for developing countries like Mali. Five main modules have 
been fully implemented: patient administrative and medical records 
management of hospital activities, tracking of practitioners’ 
activities, infrastructure management and the billing system. This last 
component of the system has been fully developed by the local Mali team. 
The evaluation showed that the system is broadly accepted by all the 
users who participated in the study. 77% of the participants found the 
system useful; 85% found it easy; 100% of them believe the system 
increases the reliability of data. The same proportion encourages the 
continuation of the experiment and its expansion throughout the hospital."


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