[cas-user] I have some trouble with CAS 5.3.2 with Postgres.(Large Object)

2020-01-20 Thread SangHyun Kim
Hi, I have used CAS 5.3.2 with Postgres and JPA. I have some trouble with LargeObject in Postgres. When the user login through the CAS, CAS creates TGT. At that time, object values in ticketgrantingticket table are saved in pg_largeobject in Postgres. It is not a problem. But, sometimes somet

[cas-user] cas overlay template

2019-02-19 Thread SangHyun Kim
Hi. I use cas 5.3.2 and cas-gradle-overlay-template(https://github.com/apereo/cas-gradle-overlay-template). By the way https://github.com/apereo/cas-gradle-overlay-template is achived and does not update anymore. I find repository https://github.com/apereo/cas-overlay-template. But in README.MD

[cas-user] ticketgrantingticket table information.

2019-01-30 Thread SangHyun Kim
I use cas 5.2.3. And use library compile "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-support-jpa-ticket-registry:${project.'cas.version'}" compile "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-support-jpa-service-registry:${project.'cas.version'}" Database use Postgres. When TGT create, then TGT is inserted in ticketgrantingt

[cas-user] I have a question about monitoring or logging.

2019-01-22 Thread SangHyun Kim
Hi I use CAS 5.3.2. Then I need monitoring system. So, I apply CAS monitoring setting. I can find session information in dashboard. Principal Ticket Granting Ticket Authentication Date Usage Count t...@test.com TGT-3-0VCWvzEGj

[cas-user] id value in regexregisteredservice table is sequential????

2018-12-19 Thread SangHyun Kim
Hi I use cas 5.3.x (gradle overlay) and Jpa. compile "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-support-jpa-ticket-registry:${project.'cas.version'}" compile "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-support-jpa-service-registry:${project.'cas.version'}" When client registered in Cas, insert client information in regexregi

[cas-user] How to add addtional information in JWT claims

2018-08-22 Thread SangHyun Kim
Hi I user cas 5.3.2. I want to add custom claims in JWT. So, I add configuration in cas.properties cas.authn.attributeRepository.jdbc[0].singleRow=true cas.authn.attributeRepository.jdbc[0].sql=SELECT u.*, g.group_name FROM user As u JOIN user_groups AS g ON u.user_email = g.user_email WHERE {

[cas-user] Access token does not expired.

2018-02-05 Thread SangHyun Kim
Hello. I installed cas as Oauth provider. Then there is one problem with signing out. { "@class" : "org.jasig.cas.support.oauth.services.OAuthRegisteredService", "clientId": "clientid", "clientSecret": "clientSecret", "bypassApprovalPrompt": true, "generateRefreshToken": true, "support

[cas-user] CAS as a Oauth Server confinguration...

2018-01-28 Thread SangHyun Kim
Hello. I installed CAS as a Oauth Server (5.2). I want to add a pop-up sign-in page that clients can use to sign in. (Oauth grant type : authorization code) How can I add it? -- - Website: https://apereo.github.io/cas - Gitter Chatroom: https://gitter.im/apereo/cas - List Guidelines: https:/