
I wish to figure out how CAS 5.x loads an externalized log4j2.xml based on 
the setting in cas.properties.

logging.config=file:///... some location... /config/log4j2.xml

As far as Spring doc., it says:  An ApplicationContextInitializer that 
configures a logging framework depending on what it finds on the classpath 
and in the Environment. If the environment contains a property 
logging.config then that will be used to initialize the logging system, 
otherwise a default location is used. 

This is why, when I tries to use the same approach for my web application 
(NOT related to CAS). it does not work.  the externalized log4j2.xml is not 
loaded because it is not in classpath, nor is it specified in an 
environment property. 

I deploy multiple web apps (Spring Boot apps) on the same host, each Web 
app has its own Log4j2.xml file, so I want to find a approach that is 
specific to the app., not a global one.


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